Panic Attack

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The pounding in my head still hadn't gone away, it had only gotten worse. The pain was becoming unbearable. My chest rose and fell in short, uneven breaths.

I couldn't control my heart rate and it was driving me crazy. I pulled my knees to my chest as tears streamed from my face. My vision became blurry and my breathing became worse.

I knew what was going to happen, I was going to pass out any minute now. I was in the bathroom, pressed up against the dingy, yellow wall.

I felt as if I had shrunk when I heard the door open. "Are you alright?"

Their voice was distant and like static. I couldn't answer because my mind was going a million miles a minute. My black hair swept itself in front of my amethyst eyes.

A tan hand placed itself gently on my shoulder. I looked up slightly to see a boy, about my age, crouching in front of me trying to calm me.

He had a soothing smile and sky blue eyes. His tan skin stood out against my pale white skin.

"Can you understand me" he asked calmly. I nodded and he seemed pleased at the small action.

"Good, now try counting by threes. I'll do it with you, ok?" I once again nod and we begin counting together. Once we got to 33, I had called down almost completely.

"T-thank you" I manage to squeak out. He smiles brightly and sticks his hand out for me to shake.

I flinch slightly but grab his hand anyway. "The name's lance" he beamed. "Keith" it came out a little quieter than I wanted.

Out of nowhere, the bell rang and he rushed out yelling "Maybe I'll see you at lunch keith but I gotta get to class!"

I stayed there for a little while more until the next bell rang, signaling it was time for my lunch. I walk through the doors and nobody spares a passing glance, which I was actually thankful for.

I felt someone wrap an arm around me and pull me to a table. When this happened, I completely froze. I look to them once they sat me down.

It was Lance McClain, captain of the football team. Why did he pull me over to the popular kids table?!

"Hey keith! Nice to see you again" he beamed. Wait... the lance that helped me was Lance freaking McClain?! How didn't I notice?

Everybody stares at me as Lance places me next to him. I shrink back in my seat as girls around us begin glaring daggers.

I look around the table, people had stopped staring when lance was looking but glared at me when he wasn't. He was talking to a girl that was basically glued to him.

Then they began a heated make-out session. I felt a twinge in my chest- my heart to be exact. I also began to feel sick but I'm sure it's just because I haven't eaten at all today, and I don't plan on it. Not until later, maybe.

They finally finished and lance began eating his food. People still shot glares at me. When Lance would notice, he would shoot them one right back. I geuss he noticed I didn't have food and he offered me some of his.

I shook my head 'no' and he frowned. "Come on, you need to eat something. Have you even eaten today?"

I felt my stomache drop and I stood up, keeping my head down. I pulled my hood over my head and pulled my sleeved back down to hide my fresh bruises from this morning- courtesy of my father. I ran off back to the same bathroom he had found me in and made sure nobody was in there.

Luckily, nobody was and I locked myself in the first stall. I pulled down my sleeves and gazed at my fresh bruises, putting slight pressure on one and flinching at the pain immediately.

Panic Attack- klanceWhere stories live. Discover now