Sweeping Outside and Behind a Pillar

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Here is my newest story. I typically like only to write happy endings, this one is however, not one. This is a story that takes place within a story I am to release later. It will be 19-20 chapters long, maybe a little less.

Please leave feedback! ~




In the rear courtyard a little maid moves back and forth sweeping the fallen snow, making way for the masters to step.

Her straight nose is red from the cold and her fingers are numb but no complaints issue from her. Sniffles and shivering steps are the only sounds in the empty courtyard, but every so often a small humming tune penetrates the air. Despite the weather, the young lady has her lips upturned in a smile. Hers is a simple happiness.

The girl's looks are ordinary, and her voice is ordinary too, but her eyes, her eyes are beautiful and soul-suckingly clear. If not for those eyes her flat as a plank self would not attract the eyes of any suitor.

'oh!' Moving the broom once more the young lady suddenly cries out in pain. The broom falls from her hands as she hisses in pain. Turning her palm up she notices a splinter has penetrated her chapped hands and caused red droplets to stain the pure white snow. Sighing the young girl takes out a handkerchief and wipes her hands before picking up her broom once more.

If anyone were to describe the girl, the first thing they would comment on would be her temper. Hers was a mentality of 'go with the flow,' why say no when you could just say yes, why upset others when there is no need to. She was the classic 'yes woman.' If she was told go west she wouldn't dare go east. If she was told sweep here, she sweeps there, if she is told to do a job, she does the work even with no reward. Viewed in a negatively light, this is the character of a pushover. Viewed in a positive light, this is the ideal character of a virtuous, gentle, and obedient lady.


Behind a pillar stands a young master. Quietly watching the servant girl. "Cang Xi," he sighs out, his eyes following the girl's every move with religious precision. His expression adopts a tint of pain every time he sees her pass the area where her scarlet blood had fallen moments before, but he knew he could not reveal himself.

This young master is the second son of a powerful official and the only legitimate born son. He is everything Cang Xi is not. He is bright with a fiery personality, outstandingly handsome, wealthy, firm in character, and most of all completely, totally and irrevocably in love with one Cang Xi.

This young master hiding behind a pillar, watching a servant with love-struck eyes is Xiao Xin Yu.

The young master sighs again as he watches the girl sweeping. He knows she is not beautiful, but to him, she is the most perfectly beautiful lady he has ever seen. To him, no other shines as brightly. She is his sun, his rain, his spring, she is everything.

For two years he has held himself back, quietly watching her grow up and work hard. Now he is seventeen and she is sixteen.

This young master wants nothing more than to make her his bride.

But he cannot.

He is a master, she is a lowly servant. At most he can only force her to debase herself and submit to be a concubine or a bed warmer.

But, how can he force her to do something so humiliating? To always be looked down on, perhaps be bullied by the first wife, any of her children would be illegitimate, she would be someone who could never proudly stand by his side. She would always be no better than a servant for her whole life.

This he cannot do, not when he loves her so dearly. What he sorely wants is to give her an identity. The identity of his legal and only most beloved wife.

So, he endures and quietly watches her from afar. For her he has curved his fiery personality, restraining himself from simply snatching her to his side. For her he has stood behind a pillar for two years, silently watching her. For her, he would do anything within his power, but he is running out of patience.

Still, he endures, and she remains none the wiser.

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