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"Please Madhubala don't make it harder. Leave me alone now" RK

"You are my husband. And I need you. So how I leave you alone. You are not supposed to be alone" Madhu got closer and closer to him and started to touch his shoulder and chest

"You don't know what you want. You don't know what you are doing. So please go now. Before you regret it" RK

"I will never ever regret it. I need you Rishabh. You said you will never do it unless I ask you. I'm asking you. No I'm begging you. Please Rishabh" Madhu tiptoed whispering the last words in his ears

RK lost his control and he hugged her tight and started to kiss her. But he noticed her body not responding. He ignored it thinking that she was shy. She said she never touched any man before. And suddenly he felt something wet in his cheek he looked up and saw her crying silently. He stopped immediately and stepped back in shock

"Why is she crying?" He thought in his mind

"I'm sorry. I am sorry. I thought I can do it. I thought I can love you. I am sorry. I can't. I can't" Madhu broke down in tears crying on her knees

"I told you I don't want that. I told I don't need that. Don't ever do this again to me" RK shouted in anger at her and left the room and the house till morning leaving his wife crying from guilt

Flash back ends

Why Madhu? Why did you do this to me? You were the one who hurt me the most in our wedding day. I thought no one can hurt me more than you. But you beat your own record Madhu.

This is not the pain I had read about in novels. This pain isn't just in my mind. This is not physical pain. This is a soul aching pain. A pain that is ripping me apart from inside out and I don't think I can survive it. No one can. You took me to the highest sky then throw me in the deepest darkest hole.

You know for how long I was waiting for that day. To have you in my arms. To be close to you. To touch you. But getting this close to you is like getting close to the burning sun. You burned my soul Madhu.

It kills me to touch you and know that you are dreaming of someone else's touch. You are wishing someone else's love. You are craving for his love not mine.

Why Madhu? Why did you do this? I never asked you to do this. I never forced you to do anything. Why did you do it? Why did you hurt me so badly? I hate you Madhu. I hate you more and more. I hate my heart for loving you

Dear Diary

It is been two weeks now since that night, when I tried to get close to RK. His hatred is doubled tenth times for me. He can't look at me now. He works all day. And when he comes back after midnight, I stay at my room.

I can't face him. I can't talk to him. I just hide here. He even doesn't eat in the house anymore. His breakfast at my family's house. And his lunch in hospital. We don't talk. We don't see each other's.

I feel guilty as hell for what I did. I thought I can do it. I thought it would make us normal husband and wife. I forced myself to accept this fact. But my heart and my body didn't follow my mind.

I don't know what to do. Every time I try to comfort him, I end up hurting him more and more. I never wanted to. He is so kind and so caring for me. And all I did for him is just hurting him over and over.

I don't deserve him. I don't deserve to be loved. I hate myself for hurting him. I wish I can give him the love he needs. I wish I can give him the happiness he deserves. I wish I didn't marry him. I could save him all this pain. He is the best husband any woman could have. But I don't deserve him.

Next day in hospital

RK received a phone call from his wife

"Strange why is she calling me? She didn't say a word to me for two weeks. I hope everything is alright" RK thought in his mind

"Yes" RK

"Mami Ji is here" Madhu

"My mother?" RK

"Yes" Madhu

"But she never visits us" RK confusing

"She is here with her suit cases" Madhu

"I'm coming" RK

He hang up the phone and drove to his house

"Mom. What happened?" RK

"He kicked me out of my house" Radha was crying to RK

"What! How dare he?" RK was very angry

"RK leave Mami Ji to rest first then she will tell you everything" Madhu

Radha looked to Madhu with angry look. Like if, she would kill her by her looks

"Leave us alone please Madhubala" RK

"Ok" Madhu left RK and Radha alone and went to her room

"Can you calm down and tell me everything?" RK controlled his anger as much as he can

"I was at my friend's house for her daughter's wedding with your brother and sister. When I reached there, I realized that I forget my necklace. So I went back to the house. When I reached my bedroom, I noticed there is someone there. But Kuku ji was supposed to be at work.

I opened the door and saw him with his secretary in my bed. When I tried to confront him, he slapped me and kicked me out of the house. He said he needs young and beautiful women not like me fatty and old" Radha told her son all what happened with her in tears

"I will kill him" RK

"No please Rishabh" Radha

"Why?" RK

"Please don't harm him. He is my husband" Radha

"What? Are you protecting him after what he did" RK said angrily

"You don't understand. But I bend you with my auth. Don't do anything to him" Radha

RK looked at her with red eyes from anger, left her, and left the house to calm down

Dear DiaryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon