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Chapter One-

I rubbed my eyes slowly opened and stared aimlessly at my bedroom ceiling. It always takes me ages to get out of bed, never being a morning person. I was in some sort of dream about food when I suddenly realized that today was the day. I repeat TODAY IS THE DAY that One Direction arrive in Australia for the first time.

‘Holy mother of sweet Jesus,’ I thought to myself as I jumped out of bed, excitedly as I have been waiting for this day since forever. I couldn’t take the grin off my face as I thought about One Direction being in the same country as me. My best friend Maddy and I had eventually convinced our parents to go into the city, the day the boys came to Australia in hope that we would be able to see them in real life, not behind a dam computer screen. I whipped out my phone and sent a message to Maddy that read ‘Lets get our stalking on gurl, I can’t actually believe this is happening’.

Almost instantly a text popped up from Harry Styles AKA Maddy, ‘I seriously can’t control my emotions right now, somebody hold me fbdyusbvydszbd lol, meet me at the bus stop in 20 mins, I can’t wait buds!’

I replied, ‘Sounds cool, cya soon!’

Maddy was the most dedicated or you could say overly obsessed directioner I know and I was so glad that I could spend the day stalking the boys with her. I guess I didn’t really knew what our plans were today, just wander around the city, or should I realistically say running/screaming our faces off because some girl thought ‘Harry Styles just got out of taxi’. I giggled at my own thoughts because I knew it was going to be actually crazy in the city today, I knew that there was going to be no way in the world that we were going to see them because security would probably be tighter than Louis’ pants. I tried to stay positive though as I slipped on my denim shorts and singlet, quickly straightened my Hagrid hair, grabbed the money that Dad had left on the bench and excitedly ran out the door ready for the upcoming events. 

I arrived at the bus stop within about five minutes, typical Maddy was late, and so I sat on the bench waiting enthusiastically for her to come. A moment later I hear ‘BUUDDDDDYYYYYY, OMG OMG OMG OMG BUDDDY!’ I stood up and suddenly all I see is Maddy running and jumping towards me. ‘Oh that girl makes me laugh’ I grinned as I pulled Maddy into hug.

‘It is finally sinking in, WE WILL BE BREATHING THE SAME AIR AS THEM, its too much to take,’ Maddy said hysterically.

‘I know, I know, I know, what happens if we actually see them, omg can you imagine zayn’s stubble in real life or Niall in that polo shirt?’ I replied just as hyped.

‘Or Harry’s curls, or Louis bum, or Liam’s smile, holy poo!’

‘I don’t mean to sound like a party pooper, but there is a big chance, actually probs most likely that we won’t actually even see them, but who cares, the atmosphere will be amazing’

‘It will be indeed, just why do they need be soo attractive?, I just don’t understand!’

‘HAHAHA I know Maddy, that is my most frequently asked question of my life’

With that the bus pulled up and Maddy and myself hoped eagerly onto it.

I guess everything happens for a reason - Liam Payne FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now