Epilogue: The Past Continued

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Epilogue: The Past Continued

Damien Reynaldi

After a few seconds, I spotted the triangular shaped rock I’d been kicking around. With one last kick, I pushed it into the bushes for safe keeping while I helped my papa find his tool box.

“Son, look in the living room.”

“Okay, papa.”

I scurried inside the unfinished house that my dad was working on, and kept an eye out for his brown leather tool bag. It was Saturday and we were meant to be at the Park, but dad worried someone would steal his stuff; I was promised ice cream for the delay.

In the corner of the room-- between some exposed studs, a bit of leather stuck out. Excited to have found it, I hurried out and dug it from behind all the pink fuzz.

But instead of a hard leather box, I found a soft pouch; colorful stones glittering inside.

“Damien, what are you doing?”

“I found this in the wall.”

My father strolled over, and peaked over my shoulder. A gasp could be heard as he kneeled down with me and searched through the small sack.  

“Son, we’re going to play a little game…okay?”

“What kind of game?”

“We’re spies now, and we’ve just found a treasure. It’s our secret to keep.”

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