Chapter 49 - The Trial

Start from the beginning

And now this might be the last time she would ever see her real father again. And, Luke. Luke wouldn't see him either. And Padmé—oh, how was Padmé going to live after this? Leia knew this would devastate her.

The bailiff thumped his scepter on the floor three times to call the crowd to order, but no one was talking. The court of Senators and Jedi were silent. The camera panned to each of the jurors. Master Yoda, Master Kenobi, and ten senators whose names escaped Leia. She was worried when she didn't see her father Bail.

The prosecutor's door opened, and Bail Organa, Senator of Alderaan, stepped onto the balcony. The camera cut away to defendant's legal counsel's empty balcony.

Leia gasped, "No, no, no. Please, Daddy, don't do this."

Newly elected Chancellor rose from her throne. "Darth Vader, you have been charged with the following war crimes: murder, enslavement, ill-treatment of prisoners of war, killing of hostages, plunder of property, wanton destruction, and attempted genocide of the Tusken peoples. This court will decide your fate."

She motioned to Bail. " Prosecution, you may begin your arguments. State your name and credentials for the record."

Bail stepped to the rail of the balcony, closest to Vader. "Bail Organa, Viceroy and Senator of Alderaan. Darth Vader, video evidence claimed from Tatooine, as well as code cylinders bearing your orders, shall prove your guilt in these heinous crimes. Evidence Aurek: a security video from a Mos Eisley street wherein squads of stormtroopers rounded up Wookiees and Tuskens."

The silent video flared on the screen.

"Evidence Besh: said Wookiees hauled to transport ships. Evidence Cresh." Bail pulled a clear bag from his satchel. "Code cylinders retrieved from Mos Eisley with orders to take the Wookiees to Geonosis for slave labor on Project Stardust."

Anakin nodded but said nothing in defense.

"Evidence Dorn: another code cylinder ordering the massacre of all Tuskens from the planet Tatooine." Bail tossed the bag in front of Vader's feet.

The trial continued, with Bail providing twenty separate pieces of evidence. "I could go on, ladies and gentlemen, but the day is wearing thin. Since the defendant has refused any representation . . ."

"Wait just a minute."

Leia squealed when she heard that voice. The cameras swiveled to the legal defense balcony to reveal the pale, but feisty, Quemé Naberrie. "I will defend him."

Mon Mothma stepped forward. "I cannot allow that. The defendant has refused counsel. It is his choice."

"I apologize, Chancellor, ladies and gentlemen of the court, but I was detained in the med center. If the defendant will accept me, may I represent him?"

Mon Mothma turned to the jurors and then to Bail. He clenched his lips and nodded.

"Very well. Defendant, will you accept this representation?"

The Sith Lord nodded.

"We must have a verbal response, Defendant."

"Yes. I accept her representation."

"State your name and credentials for the record, Counselor." Mon Mothma nodded at her.

"Padmé Naberrie Amidala, former Queen and Galactic Republic Senator of Naboo."

Gasps echoed around the room and in the courtyard when the Holonet feed cut to the amassed crowds outside the complex.

"Order. Order." Mon Mothma motioned her hand to the Bailiff.

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