Chapter Twenty-Four: The Aftermath

Start from the beginning

Guilt crept through my mind, until he opened one eye slowly, “Is she gone?”

“Yes,” I answered.  I walked towards his bed, relieved to see him awake. Despite being shot, the same mischievous twinkle filled his eyes; his mouth easily forming a smile.


“Good,” I mimicked. An awkward silence filled the room and I looked around the small space, trying not to meet his gaze (I still didn’t know why I’d come).

“You’re so pretty.”

“Excuse me,” I said, snapping back to attention.

“Highly irritating and impossible to deal with…but pretty.”

“Me? You’re the difficult one—“

“Dangerous too,” he interrupted.

“For the last time, you got yourself shot…I saved your life.”

“Must have remembered it wrong then.”

“Clearly,” I answered.

“My apologies, I’ve lost a lot of blood,” he said, pointing to his shoulder. A goofy smile framed his smile, and I knew whatever medication they had given him was working in full force.

“Apology accepted. I’m sorry I was happy you got shot.”


“I thought you were working with Sheriff Clark, and had kidnapped Elena.”

“That’s crazy,” he said.

“I know that now.”

"Good thing you found me then," he answered with a wink.

"I snuck in your car, your noisy boots should think of getting new footwear to investigate in."

A hoarse laugh filled the room, "Maybe I wore those boots on purpse."

It'd always seemed weird for a private eye to make such a rookie mistake, since it was paramount to remain inconspicous, but the alternative was also an odd thought.

Whether it was a joke or not, I knew he'd be okay; I felt the guilt slowly leaving me and got ready to leave without saying goodbye. His eyes were closed again, his breathing soft and I didn’t feel like disturbing him.

“Ollie, leaving so soon?”

“You need to rest,” I answered, slowly turning around again (and letting him call me by my nickname, I didn't want to harrass a shot person).

“I forgot to ask you…”


“A new investigator position is opening up in my company.”

“Are you offering me a job?” I asked. It was my turn to smile; the idea was just so ridiculous.

“Your have an art background…I recover stolen art.”

“I’ll think about it.”


“Good,” I replied.

I exited the room and was bombarded by my family coming down the hallway. With nowhere to escape to, I waved at them and reluctantly approached the crazy bunch.

“You didn’t have to come…they just wanted to check I was okay,” Elena said. Her arms wrapped around me, squeezing me tightly. After a second to readjust my thoughts (and setting Matthews’s proposal aside), I returned the favor.   

“Not a problem, happy you’re okay.”

As we separated, I spotted my grandmother and approached her to say hello. She leaned in for a hug, something she didn’t typically do.

“Good job dear, the others will never admit it…but you keep this family together.”

“Thanks grandma.”

A blubbering Sophie approached me and quickly hugged my waist, while Russell patted my shoulder. And Teresa and I chose to continue ignoring each other, although I swear I could still catch her smiling at me at random moments (my mother was nowhere to be seen; apparently she’d been spending a lot of time with Michael Becks).

Finally, I was able to approach the person I’d mainly wanted to speak to, “Nate.”


“I feel like I should apologize…”


“I don’t think I could have done things differently.”

“Probably not."


"…he had no use for Elena once Matthews arrived,” he whispered. 

We both let the implications of that thought set in for a few minutes, “Why would the Sheriff be on a treasure hunt…and what happens to him now?”


“What?” I asked.

“That was Metz, masquerading as a Sheriff to get close to your family…a lifelong ruse to find the necklace his great grandpa stole and then lost.”


“His great grandfather stole the necklace, hid it and was never able to find it. He spent his entire life looking for it, and passed on the neurosis to the next generations.”

“Did Metz kill my uncle?”

“Yes, he and Culler were here twenty-five years ago looking for the treasure.”

“Why here…why us?”

“I’m not sure, I guess we’ll never know,” Nate said with a smile. He then walked away towards Elena, who was now summoning him from her hospital bed.

Taking a few steps back into the hallway again, I took my spot as the observer in my family and had to wonder if what my grandma had said was true. Would they miss me if I weren’t watching over, would they really fall apart if I were to leave...let’s say to work with Matthews?

Hands in pocket, I concentrated on all possible outcomes; my fingers toying with a crumbled sheet of paper jammed in my jeans. Taking it out and smoothing out the edges, I recognized the old flower drawing that Nate had drawn me.

A three-flower necklace, very similar to the ‘Black Lilac.” Had he drawn this before or after we’d learned about the necklace; I racked my brain for answers.

I glared at Nate, but my grandmother crossed my sight as she leaned in towards Elena, and winked.

She brushed her long, crazy mane aside and I caught a glimpse of her neck; hidden under layers of cheap, fantasy jewelry and a colorful scarf…a bright purple, lilac necklace.

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