The Reunion

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The mist cleared and a white expanse of land spread out before him. A gravel road rolled out like a red carpet and tall fir trees sprang out of the ground in a uniform line bordering the road, as soft wisps of snow floated down the sky.

A smile pulled at his lips as the magical scene unfolded before his eyes, immense peace filling his heart for a reason he was not aware of. Despite the strangeness of the place he was at, he felt oddly comfortable.

He started walking towards the direction the gravel road was leading him to, dry leaves appearing out of the ground and crunching under his feet. There was an illusion of a clear blue sky over him that soon hosted a bright sun, which spread warmth to the environment instead of scorching it. Golden light burst around him, painting the air and his soul. Whatever was happening, it was too beautiful for him to comprehend.

His steps faltered as his eyes fixated on someone in front of him, some yards away. The aged woman smiled upon seeing him, her wise eyes crinkling at the corners, and spread her arms, beckoning him to her welcoming embrace. Tears stung his eyes as an intense wave of nostalgia hit him. Was she really who he thought she was?

The day he lost her was as vivid as if an encounter from yesterday, along with his precious memories with his beloved grandma. She was lively; her age never held her down, and she loved to spend time with him, whether it was playing or him lying on her lap as she spun bedtime tales to lull him to sleep. She did her best to keep him from the grief of being abandoned by both parents at such a young age- their only child sacrificed to a corporate life- until she passed away.

The tears spilled down his cheeks, his eyes clouded with so many emotions. His legs regained life and started moving, as if on their own accord, towards grandma. She waited with great patience, as she had for 20 years, watching her grandson take wobbly steps towards her like he did when he first learned to walk.

Then he started to run, feeling the wind against him and a rush of excitement that made him forget his tears. He ran into his grandma's embrace and hugged her tightly, a bright smile on his lips that contradicted the tears glistening in his eyes. She hugged him back, with equal affection. It was in heaven that finally held their reunion.

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