State of Mind

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"No no no, it's not like that. Don't laugh. Listen to me!"

For the last half an hour, Nadia has been trying to get her co-worker to believe a past experience of hers, quite unsuccessfully. Heather, her co-worker, simply laughed it off and shoved another spoonful of food into her mouth.

"I swear it was real. I don't know if it was human or not but it was there, beside my bed. It was about 4 or 5 feet tall and very thin."

Heather chuckled, mirth dancing in her hazel eyes. "Did you see its face?"

Nadia leaned back on her seat, pursing her lips in a straight line. "It was completely black as if covered in a black cloak or something. Besides, it was completely dark in my room except a sliver of moonlight." She paused for a bit, staring at her audience. "How many times do I have to tell you before you believe me?"

Heather wiped her mouth with a napkin, having finished her food. "There's nothing to believe, Nadia. This sort of things doesn't exist."

Nadia sighed.

But, it wasn't over.

The next day, Nadia was retelling the same kind of story to Heather, who looked amused again. "Are you sure no one's pranking you?" That was all she had to say, as Nadia's face fell.

"No! Who would prank me? I just moved, no one knows me there!"

"You never know." Heather replied, tying her auburn hair in a bun. "Or, you could have been seeing things."

Nadia shook her head with force. "I wasn't seeing things, Heather. I am sure it was there."

Heather raised an eyebrow. "Okay, then did you try touching it?"

"No! I was dead with fear!" Nadia stated with wide eyes. Heather laughed.

"I really think you're mistaking some furniture as that 'creature' or whatever you call it. There's no way it's some supernatural thing."

The next day was the same, so was the next and the next days to come, continuing over a span of two weeks. It was then that Heather was finally concerned about that issue, to the point where she decided to get involved with it.

"Fine, then. I want to see it with my own eyes. Do you mind if I come over for a sleepover?"

"Oh, thank God! Thanks Heather, it really means a lot to me." Nadia said gratefully, with almost teary eyes.

Nadia was sensitive, shy and quite an introvert. It was only with Heather that she felt comfortable, hence being Heather the only person who got to know about that incident in her life. She was yet to tell her older sister or parents, fearing that they would react the same way Heather initially had with the exception that where Heather had finally agreed to get to the bottom of that issue, none of her family would be that bothered. They would probably just tell her to grow up or refer her to some therapist.

That night, both Nadia and Heather went to sleep around 12 pm. A while later Heather jolted awake at the sound of someone screaming. It was coming from Nadia's en suite bathroom. Rushing inside, she found Nadia standing with a big butcher knife and a killer smile. Heather's eyes widened in shock as the knife drilled through her abdomen.

Nadia was a cannibal, and Heather had become her latest victim.


A/N: Hi :3 I hope I didn't freak you all out with this piece...

Anyways, do vote and comment! See ya!

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