Chapter Twenty-Four - Sasame Kai

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Today the Eradication Squad will be reassigning their members into the sweep teams. There's no better place to do it than Monanie Academy since a good number of their members attends the school.

At the academy, I walk into the building avoiding any contact. The report of our all-girl squad mission was released days ago. I heard rumors that the remaining four of us will be recruited to fight in the Annual Sweep. Omi doesn't want me on the sweep team. That's one thing we can both agree on.

I'm expecting to hear talk of Lin Ming's disappearance—despite everyone buzzing about trying to get noticed by the squad leaders. It's as if these kids are eager to get killed. Sure enough, I notice Dante standing with Leon by some lockers. I walk right past them without making eye contact. I don't want or need to be questioned.

The first bell rings filling the hallways with loud running students. I make it to my locker and stuff some books inside. When I close the door, Leon stands behind it waiting on me. He grins as he puts his back against the lockers.

"Haven't seen you in a while," he says chewing on a soda straw. "Where ya been?"

"Sick," I say. I turn to walk away but bump right into Dante's chest. Not this crap, not now.

"Hey, sorry to startle you but have you seen Lin Ming? She told me she was going with you to write a paper yesterday but she never returned home."

Now it begins. I need to create an alibi quick, and make it believable. "We went to the museum, took some notes, and went our separate ways," I say without missing a beat.

Dante scratches his head. His eyes filled with worry and despair. He looks over at Leon who is still leaning against the lockers. Leon spits out the straw before walking away toward the east wing.

"Nice hair," he says to me as he passes.

My stomach drops.

"Can I go now?" I ask Dante.

He moves out of the way to let me pass.

"If you hear from her please let me know. Can you do that for me?" he calls out to me.

His voice stops me for a moment, but I keep my back toward him.

"Yeah, sure," I say.

I hurry to my first class taking my seat seconds before the second bell rings. I look at the seat next to me expecting to see Ronan, but the spot is empty. I start to wonder where he could be, but erase the thought from my head immediately.

At lunch, I sit under a tree—alone and away from noise—studying my notebook. Slowly, I flip through every page looking up every so often to study the students enjoying their meals in the courtyard. I look down at the pages once more repeating some of the names in my head.

Immunity HunterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon