Chapter Twelve - Jeiku Okamimuto

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They just insist on bringing the monster out of me, the monster I have yet to learn how to control. Soon, they'll all meet him and they will be sorry.

Endless city blocks fly past as we race toward the hospital, shooting down empty alleys when traffic gets to thick. Rin squeezes my waist tight to make me slow down a bit. The feeling of her moving is good. It means she's still alive at least. The stoplight turns red and I accelerate, driving between the two cars and speeding past oncoming traffic.

The smell of Rin's blood makes my nose twitch. I slow down long enough to look over my shoulder at her. She looks up at me and tries to lift her wounded arm, but it drops down to her side. The blood on the bandages is going stale, so at least she's not bleeding to death.

"How ya doing back there?"

She doesn't say anything; she just buries her head into my back, nodding. I rev the engine and speed off once again down the main road avoiding as much traffic as possible.

Shooting around a corner, we end up in front of a barricade with two men in black suits. Their cars are turned to block the entire street, sidewalk and all.

"Hey! Move it! I'm trying to get her to the hospital!"

"Isn't she a member of the Sonnie family?" one of the men asks.

"Y-Yes I am. I'm Rin Youngbrooke."

"Michael is looking for you. He needs you to come home right away," states the other man.

"She's not going anywhere with you," I snap. "I'm taking her to the hospital. Out of my way!"

One of them takes a step closer to us. He looks over his dark sunglasses with a smile across his lips.

"The hospital is closed."

I growl, "You're lying!"

"Give us the girl, and you can go."

"Here's an idea, how about I just rip you both to pieces first!"

These fools are afraid of me, I smell it on them. They back up toward their cars with hands shaking. My eyes glow burning red as I bare my claws and teeth.

"This kid is a fucking Okamikiin!" one of them yells.

Good observation, dumbass.

The collar around my neck starts to burn into my skin, trying to suppress my powers. I know if I keep this up I'll go too far, but who gives a shit. Those guards picked the wrong wolf to mess with.

The men draw their guns aiming them at me. Their fear makes me laugh. I get off the motorcycle letting out a massive growl that echoes through the streets. Almost instantly they drop their weapons and cover their ears.

I crouch down keeping my eyes on the targets, and then, in an explosion of speed, I lunge at the two men. Right as I'm about to slash the smart mouth one, Ashley rushes out of one of the cars and hits me with an energy blast. The shot hits me right in the face, stopping me dead in my tracks.

My ears ring and my face feel like it's on fire. I turn my attention toward her. My blood boils as my claws dig into the concrete. I crouch down again, this time aimed right for her pretty head. She holds out her hand once again. A soft glow forms around her fingers ready to blast me, but I'm ready for it. My leg muscles coil, ready to lunge. I let out another growl forcing her and her guards to cover their ears.

"This will teach you to shoot me!"

I dive at Ashley but a sharp pain shoots up my back sending me to the asphalt. My eyes wander trying to see who hit me. Rin is sitting up on the bike with her good arm extended toward me. She takes in a few short breaths before collapsing over the handlebars.

The sight of her calms me, constricting my Okamikiin powers. That's when the burns from my collar irritate my skin. The stench of my flesh fills my nose. I lift my shaky hand to rub my neck while trying to find the strength to get up.

"What are you doing here?" I yell in a rage, turning my attention to Ashley.

One of the men steps forward holding his gun. "Give it up, kid. The more time you waste with us, the less time you'll have to save her."

My gaze drifts from the gun in front of me to Rin. Her body slumps over the handlebars of the bike. Each breath she takes seems to get harder to inhale. I hate that she's in pain. My teeth grind so hard my jaws start hurting.

"I still don't trust you."

"You don't have a choice. She won't survive unless you hand her over," the guy with the gun says.

Closing my eyes tight, I shake my head violently, trying to figure out what to do. These guys aren't going to let me past; Rin will die if we continue this standoff. They're Ashley's people so I have to trust that they want Rin to live. I let out a deep breath and turn back to Ashley.

"These guys work for us. I'm fine going with them," Rin says, holding herself up with her uninjured hand on the gas tank.

Letting out another sigh, I consider Rin's words. "If you trust them, then I don't have much of a choice I guess."

"We'll take care of her." Ashley walks over and looks at Rin's arm. "This bite is still in its first stage. Father will get her help."

"I still don't trust those guys," I say, glaring at the two men that are now standing next to Rin.

"You're wasting time, Jeiku!" Ashley snaps.

She's right.

Rin looks over at me. We both know she has to go with the men, even though her eyes say she would rather stay with me.

"I'm fine, Jeiku," she says. "I'll talk to you later."

Rin and Ashley leave with the two men without saying another word. Something weird is going on, and I'm gonna find out! I get on the bike following one of the black cars to the Sonnie Compound keeping a safe distance as the black cars drive inside the gate.

After I park the bike down the road, I quickly sneak up to one of the compound's walls. I glance around to make sure it's all clear, then jump on top the wall and look for Rin. Ashley is leading her into the main house with the two men following close behind.

Damn, how do I get in? I scan the yard for a quick way inside. There are two guards at the doors and three around back, plus the two idiots following behind Ashley and Rin. So that's seven in all. Wait...there were eight guards when I was here before—

"Hey, you!"

The deep voice behind me makes my heart jump. Without turning around I drop down from the wall and bolt down the street, leaving the borrowed bike behind.

I run through crowds of people, pushing them out of the way as I speed past. Some old lady tries to hit me with her purse, but I bat it away before the strike connects. Those guards can't keep up with me, but that doesn't stop me from continuing my escape.

After five blocks or so, I slow down, confident the guards aren't chasing me. I turn to enter an alley, and end up colliding with Omi's chest. Just my luck.

"It's you!" I yell as I scramble to my feet.

Omi smiles at me. "It's nice to see you too, Jeiku."

"Did you want something or are you just here to piss me off?"

He shakes his head. "I'm here to let you in on a secret." Omi leans in closer to me cupping his hand around his mouth. "Romance kills. Saving Rin was a bold move, but now you're asking for trouble."

This guy's cocky attitude is as annoying as his spiky hair.

"Don't think I won't fight you!" This is not a good day for me so far. I'm ready to tear something or someone apart.

"No need, you've already lost."

Something hard hits the back of my head. My knees buckle, sending me to the ground. My head's throbbing as if my heart somehow made its way to my skull. Omi stands over me grinning as the world fades to black.

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