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"Do you always go up here?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I always use this place as a get away for the real world, well I used to, before I moved out," Percy explained.

"I get it, being a teenage celebrity must've been hard, I know how it feels," I told him.

"Yup, whenever I'd done something wrong or let my fans down, I'd just go up here and try to forget my worries and pains," he said still smiling.

There was a silence.

"So, it seems like your fans don't really like me. Did you ever go up here because of that?" I joked.

He gave me a serious look.

"It's not just letting my fans down. It's letting myself down. You never let me down. It's more like me letting you down. Why would I let anyone down by loving a perfect girl like you?" He stated and I could feel the heat coming to my cheeks.

"No one's perfect."

Percy chuckled. "You always have to ruin a moment with a smartie pants quote?"

"Oh please, you love my Hermione quotes!" I joked.

"But seriously, the paparazzi were crazily obsessed with me those days. This might not sound original, but I wished I could return to a normal, peaceful life," Percy confessed.

"Same here, kelp head," I said.

"Did you get that from Thalia?" he said. I gave him an innocent look.

"I might've."

There was another silence as we looked up at the stars. Then, Seaweed Brain looked at me.

"Do you want to know the real reason I started acting?" He said as he looked at me

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"Do you want to know the real reason I started acting?" He said as he looked at me. I saw a flash of pain in his eyes.

"I would love to."

"I was always getting bullied at school. Called names and always getting picked at. I always wanted to show the people at school I wasn't a person to be reckoned with. Not only that, but my dad left my mom and my mom started dating this horrible guy named Gabe Ugliano. And to be honest, his last name matches his personality," he told me. I giggled.

"Anyways, Gabe acted ugly from the start, I was 7 so I barely understood, but he would demand stuff from my mother and treat her badly. I felt so bad. You know the story I told you about the blue food?" He asked me. I nodded.

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