Chapter 47 - Fools

Start from the beginning

"Let me go!" Luke yelled, shrugging off the Wookiee's arms. 

The small boy ran into the chamber, straight to the dark figure

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The small boy ran into the chamber, straight to the dark figure. "No, Daddy, no. Don't do this!" He clutched to his father's torso.

Bail grimace as he removed his hand from the detonator.

Anakin turned to his son. "Luke, no—"

Palpatine fixed his gaze on Young Skywalker. "So, the mysterious apprentice." He looked at Padmé. "Your faces say it all. A son. You were wise to hide him, but now he is mine." He punctuated each word with spittle. "Come here, boy." The old man extended his hand.

"No," Anakin said.

"No? I think yes." Palpatine pulled his hands in front of his torso. "You hold their lives in your hands. Your life or theirs."

Anakin looked at Padmé, her eyes filled with tears, and then at his defiant son.

The Jedi behind Anakin stepped forward.

"Stop." Palpatine lifted his hand. "One more move, and they will all die."

He fell to the floor and allowed his lightsaber to roll to his master. "I am yours, my master."

Palpatine's hideous cackle filled the room once again. "Good. Good. And now, my apprentice, prove your loyalty and terminate the leaders of the Rebel Alliance."

Anakin stared at his wife once more. "Don't ask that, please, my master."

"Ah, then your son."

Anakin jerked his head to Luke. "No. I can't."

"Weak. Your compassion makes you weak. It always has." Palpatine rubbed his hands together, his heavy sleeves covering the yellowed fingernails. "Your hesitancy tells me all I need to know." Darth Sidious stretched his fingers in front of him. "It's time to let go of all you fear to lose."

Blue wisps of lightning streaked from the madman's fingertips. As the first one hit, Padmé rolled on the floor and jerked with each bolt.

"Nooo!" Anakin threw himself across the chamber with the Force. He landed on top of her, taking the Force-lightning. His back jerked and then spasmed forward. The blue bolts crackled over his armor, lighting him up. He held Padmé under him, not allowing another bolt to hit her. Bail scooted out of range of the lightning.

Palpatine walked down the steps from his throne and closed the distance between him and his apprentice. His face transformed into a hideous green. His eyes passed the threshold from yellow to red. The lightning sparked around him.

Luke took his chance while the Emperor was distracted. With the Force, he grabbed his father's lightsaber from the dais. The boy raced toward his father and the Emperor, lightsaber illuminating his path in the shadowed room.

Before he reached the Emperor, Palpatine's left hand shot back at him. Blue bolts hit the boy as he flew across the room. His small body slammed into the nearest command pod and slid down the tall tower to the floor.

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