Chapter 3 - The Papal States

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This chapter looks into a very controversial and disputed figure in the Catholic Church. You are free to skip this chapter if you wish because I wouldn't want anyone to get offended but it is something that has always fascinated me and while many modern day scholars believe it is purely fictitious, there is much evidence to say it did occur. Please do not send any Swiss Guards after me! This is not me being blasphemous in any way - I love all religions and love learning about them so I happen to come across this particular figure when I was doing some research. 

Also, as Heather and Eret are Vikings, they're going to feel a certain way towards the Catholics, particularly those at the top of the hierarchy, who would likewise, feel a certain way towards the Viking barbarians. So, try not to take anything that is said or done or thought about to heart. 

Okay, on with the chapter!



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There are quite a few moments in Heather Hellqvist's life in which she didn't think things through.

This moment was definitely one of them.

Heather had arrived in the heartland of the most powerful institution in the world. Its influence was so strong that the legendary Viking Rollo, who she had grown up hearing stories of his heroic adventures, had fallen to its ways.

Its hold was strong, said to be given by God himself and its influence was far and wide, gaining momentum from time, only 600 years ago when it was dismissed as folly, by the Roman Emperors and Celtic rulers of the continent. It was now one of the biggest religions in this part of the world and Heather was nervous as she had heard stories and tales of what they did to people like her.

She stared at the words before her on the sign - Roma, Status Ecclesiasticus.

She had made the mistake of arriving at the heart of the Catholic Church - the Papal States.

But she couldn't leave now. The people had seen her and while she had hidden Firecracker away in the woods that surrounded the town, she had to make use of her time here and not draw attention to herself.

One slip up, and she would be exposed as a heretic and possibly burnt at the stake as such.

No...she was going to get some food and drink for herself and Firecracker and she was going to grab a map to get out of here.

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