~Chapter 10~

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Thursday, September 22nd....

"So why'd you run out during your school evaluation test?"

I readjust myself in my seat, softly clearing my throat as I try to keep my dignity in tact, though the embarrassment about the whole thing still feels fresh in my mind.

"I didn't necessarily 'run out'." I carefully point out, fully aware that what I just said is a flat out lie.

I did run. Like a chicken being prepared to go to the chop block.

"Okay. . . Well, why'd you decide to oh-so-hastily leave the room then?" I frown at her smart reply, hating the fact she seems to be able to tell when someone's twisting your arm just as easily as it is to see me from across the coffee table.

Locking my jaw, I redirect my gaze back down to my lap, fingers absentmindedly playing with the button on the bottom of my shirt.

"I . . . I don't know." I relent, honestly not in a mood to go back and forth on this question at the moment.

Too exhausted for that.

I blink a few times to readjust my vision that was beginning to blur at the corners, containing a yawn by lifting my right elbow up to my mouth.

Mrs. Waver - or Jude if you ask her, taps her pen on her notebook, moving her left hand up to rest under her chin. "You don't know? Or you simply don't want to tell me?"

I lightly shake my head, moving my arm back down. "I'm not. . . sure?" My voice fades off as I suddenly realize I can't exactly pinpoint why I did in fact run out during my test yesterday.

"Would you care to, perhaps, try and retell it to me?" Mrs. Waver questions, obviously trying to word her thoughts carefully after the 'little' squabble we had last time. "It's important, Alex."

I nod slightly, fingers twisting the fabric of my shirt tighter around one specific finger as I realize I should probably just go ahead and get this over with. There's a tightening sensation in my chest, and I can physically feel my throat closing up.

"I dunno really. . ." I hesitantly look up at her, immediately feeling better when I see there's nothing judgmental or anything of the sorts on her face as she watches me. "I was nervous to begin with. Then I started to. . . kinda, feel bad about halfway through the test."

I swallow, setting my jaw as I recall the nausea I'm so accustomed to bubbling up as I stared down at the paper.

"Could you explain why you felt nervous? It was just a test to determine which grade to put you in." Mrs. Waver intervenes.

My eyebrows pull together. "I knew that." I quickly add before settling back, the sudden surge of anger leaving. "I just felt. . . pressured?" I frown again. "Then the clock was giving me a headache too." I add as an afterthought for no particular reason then to spite the darn thing.

Mrs. Waver hums. "And how exactly were you feeling 'bad'?"

I drum my right foot on the ground, swallowing the dryness away from my mouth. "Nauseas - which isn't anything new for me. My head hurt, I was hot, my chest felt like it was-" I abruptly stop, flickering my eyes back over to Mrs. Waver.

"Like it was. . . .?" She encourages, having the grace not to look remotely excited or pleased that I'm complying so easily today.

My own willingness surprises even me. But I guess I did promise Don I'd try this again after failing miserably last time. Then after everything that went down yesterday. . . I guess I'm just growing tired of trying to shut myself off from every question.

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