~Chapter 4~

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{Tuesday, September 13th}

I stare down at my hands while Lucy stands over me with a plate of bacon and eggs she's currently splitting between the three of us, my eyes feeling heavy from my lack of sleep last night.

Basically Lucy ended up dosing off on me. I caught maybe another half an hour of sleep between dosing off myself and waking back up. Not wanting to actually sleep.

  Too afraid I'll succumb to another nightmare and end up hurting her.

  She'd woken up about six thirty, and we'd simply just sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes. The moment peaceful.

  Then we'd broken apart. Her going back to her room while I went to my own. And now I find myself sitting at the table for breakfast at seven fifteen A.M.

  Lucy takes her seat across from me after she's finished serving Don, tucking her napkin in her lap before she begins to eat.

A thick silence falls over the table, my mind still caught up with their conversation last night regardless of how much I simply just want to forget it. Even though Lucy assured me I'm not a charity case.

I slowly pick up my fork, carefully watching the bottom of my sleeve in-case it pulls up to reveal the sizzling red mark that now covers the inside of my wrist. Not wanting them to see it.

  No. They can't.

  That would lead to questioning. Questioning would lead to pressure. And pressure would lead to me snapping.

  And I don't mean verbally or physically.

  I exhale a slow breath, scooping a forkful of eggs up onto my fork before I direct it into my mouth.

The sound of utensils clinking against glass plates and food being chewed fills the room, helping to distract myself from my internal game of tug-a-war.

Two minutes ticks by on the watch strapped to my left wrist before Don suddenly straightens, looking over at me.

"Alex, I know this is pretty sudden and all, but you're already behind and really we think it's best if you just start as soon as possible." Don places his fork down, and I notice Lucy frowning down at her plate.

My chest tightens as I realize what he's insinuating, dread filling me like a balloon filled with helium.

"School started a few weeks ago, but we've already discussed the...reason as-to why you're late - leaving a few detail out of course. The board has agreed to let you attend their school, and you have a appointment on Wednesday, September 21st to take their mandatory test to determine where you are regarding your grade...." He hesitates.

"Seeing as you've missed a lot these past two years apparently."

  I wince, looking down at my lap.

  "Once you take that, they'll figure out what you need to do and you'll start school the following Monday." He smiles, taking a bite out of a piece of bacon.


  My heart picks up at just that one word, and I can't help but feel a sliver of anxiety creep up my spine.

  I knew I'd have to pick up where I last stopped sometime soon. That I couldn't just not finish high school despite everything that's happened.

  But I guess I'd just been pushing it to the back of my mind for so long, I simply can't even really fathom actually....doing it.

Going to school.....

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