~Chapter 3~

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  I frantically tug against the elastic bands that restrain my arms. Legs flailing wildly as I choke in desperate breaths.

There's yelling. Too much.

Nothing makes sense to me except for the uncontrollable terror that's currently coursing through each and every vein in my body. Garbled screams and yells falling from my mouth.

No! I can't let them do anything else to me.

The blinding white lights and sterile floor in the room make my eyes ache, equipment spread around in different places. Arranged like a...hospital room.

  I jerk my arm extra hard against the restraints, immediately feeling something pop in my shoulder. Only adding to the bucketload of pain that already consumes me.

  But no! I'm not safe. I'm not in a actual hospital. It's just another part of his mind games. Razim's...playtime.

My whole body flinches away as a person abruptly appears beside me, my chest feeling like it's caving in as my heart beats a mile a minute.

Quickly looking over the man dressed in blue scrubs, I come to the conclusion that he's not Stick, Rat, Julius, or Razim himself.

It's just part of his plan to confuse you Alex. Don't fall for it.

  "Alex, calm down. You're safe."


  There's suddenly three more people dressed in identical outfits, concern etched across all their faces except one.

  Fake concern.

  I pull harder against the restraints, feeling more than desperate to get away from this place. These people.

  They're suddenly pushing down on my flailing legs, pressing down on my shoulders to hold me down against the uncomfortable mattress under me.

My throat tightens in fear as I try to claw away from them despite being tied down, pushing my body away from their touches. Ignoring the sizzling pain that comes with it. My energy depleting.

  Realizing I'm being overpowered, my mind automatically clicks into a different mode in hopes it'll get them to stop.

  Words fall fearfully from my lips, my body going completely slack. My eyes close, warm tears spilling out from them as I work to frantically talk through my breathing.

  Pleas, and mutters of apologies.

{Tuesday, September 13th. 2:43 A.M.}

  I suck in a harsh breath, eyes snapping open. I lay still, staring up at the ceiling as I bring myself fully back from the nightmare.

  Nightmares that are sadly returning to full force.

Staying in the clinic those two days must've triggered something that leads to the memory of my month-long stay I had a couple months ago. Though I think they're returning because I'm back. Because I'm safe.

  And that haunts me worse than you'd think.

I slowly sit up, already knowing it's still much too early in the morning. I look around, vaguely wondering why I'm on the floor with a pillow and a single light blanket.

Oh yeah, because my bed is too soft after having been sleeping on practically a board and concrete for six weeks.

The same thing happened after I was...rescued a couple months ago. My hospital bed was too soft even though I know they're usually not too comfortable in the first place.

Falling Back: Alex Rider FanFicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora