~Chapter 6~

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{Monday, September 19th}

I lean up against the side of the car door, folding my left arm into my lap while I stretch the right out along the door. My stomach repeatedly twists in anticipation and nerves, making me feel like I'm about to puke at any given moment. Which then just adds more worry to my already frazzled mind.

Why am I even worrying so much? It's just my revaluation checkup with Dr. Quinn I've known about since I was released from her clinic a little over a week ago. By now I should be getting used to her seeing me after everything last weekend.

The reassurance doesn't help.

I blow a slow breath out, feeling the knot in my stomach loosen a fraction before simply growing back in place. Almost feeling more uncomfortable than before.

Grimacing, I tighten my hold around my stomach with my left arm, shifting slightly in my seat in hopes it'll help some.

Breathe Alex. She's already seen everything. And actually, she knows everything now too. Thanks to Mrs. Jones of course.

Though I suppose there wasn't any way around it. After the whole 'kidnapping' episode I guess that deserves knowing everything. Especially if you're the one playing doctor for said person.

I'm not really sure how I feel about it. Not that I really know how I feel about anything anymore.

I guess I just don't like the fact that someone else knows everything. That it's one more person that could potentially lead to everyone knowing.

Even though I'm sure she's not going to go babbling it to all her friends over coffee and donuts.

She's wouldn't do that. That I'm certain of.

So why do I feel so....anxious then? But now that I think about it, I think I've been feeling like this since I woke up a little over a week ago here in the clinic.

Heck, I may have been subconsciously feeling like this ever since I was kidnapped by....Razim however months ago that was now.

Six months and 146 days in counting.

I blow another slow breath out, feeling that small bout of relief before the knot reappears back in place. I keep my eyes focused outside the window on my right, watching the scenery blur by in a vain attempt to distract myself.

My right index finger drums the side of the door, my left foot tapping the floor. I steady my breathing as we near our turn off, feeling a sudden jolt of anxiety hit my chest after Don makes a left onto the street that takes us to the clinic.

Less than two minutes before we pull into the parking lot.

I swallow the clump in my throat, squeezing my eyes shut a split second before snapping them back open. I blink, trying to make myself appear less tired than I probably look right now. Those measly few hours of sleep I've been getting every night catching up to me as the day wears on.

I catch the red numbers on the digital clock up front, automatically reading the time.

5:32 P.M.

I look between the silent Don and Lucy up front, feeling another twist of nerves in my stomach.

For some reason they're both coming this time. Which, again, I don't really know what to think of that.

Don hasn't seen.....everything before. And I'd kinda like to keep it that way. Lucy on the other hand has. Though it's a little....different now than it was before.

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