Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

             I went to my first class, which was math... unfortunately. I walked into class, no one was still there do I took my seat in the middle of the room. My brother walked in and sat on my right and then Angel took her seat on my left. All the other students came into the classroom and were whispering about me and Caden 'the newbies'. I laughed. I put my feet on my desk and got comfortable, same with my brother. Angel stared at me like 'what are you doing'.

"Getting comfy, how 'bout you?" I replied, reading her mind. She laughed.

"Becoming the bad girl of this school, I reckon!" She stated.

"You got that right!" I laughed. A few jocks came by and winked at me. Wow, pervs! I can see that they were mentally trying undress me.

My brother growled and glared at them. These jocks were werewolves as well. Almost everyone in this school were werewolves.

After what my brother did, they knew to back off. The teacher walked in and me and Caden put our feet down, so we don't get detention. Trust me, I've had this experience before and it's not that fun!

"Good morning, class. My name is Mr. Erickson, but you can call me Mystery. Get it?" he said, while wiggling his eyebrows. No one said anything and then someone in the back coughed. There's always that one person that coughs. I laughed in my head.

"No? Tough crowd," he whispered, but we could hear it because of our werewolf hearing. “So... we’re going to start the math session.” I was paying attention for a half hour while Mr. E was explaining it. Caden and I already mastered this in out old school. I looked out the window, but then something interrupted my thought.

“Ms.Vega, will you care to do it on the board due to the fact that you were daydreaming while looking out the window,’ he stated. He thought he could embarrass me by putting the spotlight on me. Well... Mr. E, you picked the wrong girl.

“Of course, Mr. E,” I added. I walked to the board with certainty. I looked at Mr.E while he held the blue dry erase Expo marker out in front of me. I grabbed the Expo marker and then looked at the class. Everyone was staring at me, but I wasn’t nervous. I was Savannah Vega. I could do anything. I looked at the sluts in one group, they were snickering and saying, “Bitch... wasn’t paying attention... thinks she’s better than everyone”. Wow, typical jealous sluts. Then, my gaze fell on the jocks, most of them were just staring at me blankly. Sometimes, I didn’t get these boys. I laughed in my head. Then, my gaze came upon Caden and Angel. They both smiled at me. Caden gave me a thumbs up. I smiled.

“Watch this,” I said to Mr. E. I smiled. I turned my back to the class and faced the board. The equation was very long. I wrote my answer and looked at Mr.E. He looked at the board and then at me. He was gaping. He took out his special calculator, which I must say, looked very complicated to handle. Then, he said that words, “That’s right... that’s right!” He laughed.

I looked at the class and they were sitting straight up, not believing that I just served the teacher. I showed him that I was paying attention. I went back to my seat and Mr.E finished the lesson and gave us some time to start on our homework. Every now and then, he would look at me and smile. He knew that I was going to be the best student in the class. He was, also looking at my brother and I knew he was thinking the same about Caden. I saw Caden smile at his work.

“Done,” he whispered to me.

“Ha, finish before you,” I said. I waved my homework in his face. I laughed. “Pay up,” I added.

“Alright,” he replied. He was reaching for his backpack.

“Wait,” I said, “Give it to me later, like during lunch.” Then, I took Caden’s hand and shook on it.

Luckily, the bell rang. I saw Angel finish her last problem. I guess, we don’t have homework... so far. We went to our next two classes. I was so bored. But, I can’t wait til’ lunch! Angel and I went to the cafeteria and I saw Caden wave at me. I smiled. I saw that he was with Will, Logan, Tiana, Mia, and Ashley. My eyes landed on Xavier and I smirked. Today is going to be a looooooooong day.

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