Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


I saw at least ten doors! I wonder how many rooms there were in the pack house. It was a pretty big place. I mean you can have a party where the whole town can come! I was curious to look in all of them. The first three I saw had the elderly.

"Hello, dear, how are you?" asked an elderly. She was wearing a big purple hat. It was a pink flower on the side.

"Hi, I'm fine," I said. I smiled at her. I really liked old people. They were always nice, especially caring.

"You must be Savannah, I reckon," she said. I looked confused. How did she know my name.

"Uhmm, if I may ask... how do you know my name?" I smiled.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Bessie. The new Alpha, Xavier, my grandson in other words, told me about the new family. Ryan and Alice have been great friends with my son, John." She said. I loved how she made me feel special. For some reason, I felt this strong bond between us.

"Yeah, I'm Savannah. We came here to meet everyone else. You know? Be acquainted with everyone," I said.

"Nice," she smiled.

"I better get going, my mom must be looking for me," I said, I saw her frown. I made me sad to see her that way.

"Very well, I hope to see you again, Savannah," Bessie said.

"Alright, Grams," I smiled.

"I like that... Grams," she laughed. That made me happy.

I walked out of the room and closed the door softly. I didn't check the rest of the rooms. I thought that it was kind of stalkerish. Hahaha. I was walking by when I passed a particular door. It was the best smell, I've smelt! The scent was intoxicating. My heart skipped a few beats. My mouth was watering. Weird, huh? Then, all of the sudden, someone grabbed my wrist while I was walking away from that SCENT! I loved it! Someone pulled my in a room.

The scent was everywhere in that room. I finally saw the person who took me by the wrist. I gasped. He looked... SEXY! He had ripped jeans and a plain black t-shirt. I could see his washboard abs. He was definitely well-built! He had that Californian surfer tan. The hottie in front of me was like a god! His eyes were chocolate brown and they made my heart melt, when they looked at me with lust. His hair was the 'just woke up' kind of hair. It stuck out everywhere, which made him look sexier! Then, he spoke... his voice was masculine, not too deep and not too high pitched. It was perfect!

"Hey, gorgeous," he said. My heart skipped a beat. It was pounding against my chest. I blushed a crimson red.

"Do you need any assistance, love?" he asked. He wrapped both his arms around my waist. I stared into his eyes, filled with lust and desire. My wolf was yelling 'MATE, MATE, OUR MATE! WE NEED HIM! MATE!'

I looked away from him. I was blushing so much. I had butterflies. How can a guy make me feel this way. I didn't even know him.

"No, thank you, handsome," I said, in my cutest voice. I wasn't going to be in the spotlight alone. I can be competitive too. He growled in a playful way. He held onto me a little tighter and put his head into the crook of my neck. He inhaled my scent and moaned. Wow! He really wanted me. I smirked, my wolf said 'LET'S MAKE HIM WORK FOR IT! I loved my wolf sometimes, I couldn't agree more!

I put my hands on his chest and pushed him away with force. He looked startled and sad at the same time. I felt sad when I saw him like that, but I had to make him work for me. He may be a player. I smirked my prize winning smirk.

"See you later, alligator," I said, seductively. I blew a kiss to him and I ran out of his room. I heard him moan, while I was on the run. I flew down the stairs, skipping two steps at a time.

"Whoa, slow down there, little sis," Caden said.

"Sorry," I said, sheepishly.

"You're just in time, we're setting up to eat," Janice said.

We were all sitting down, when the hottie, I just met turned up. Everyone was looking at him. Everyone as in (Caden, mom, dad, Angel, Janice, and John). Dad and John were sitting across from each other on the ends of the table. Mom and Janice next to their husbands, almost next to each other, but Angel sat between them. She looked at me, warily. I smiled weakly, telling her it's alright. She knew she was like the 'monkey in the middle'. I laughed, but I stopped when she glared at me. Caden was sitting next to me and there was an empty chair next to me.

"Sorry, I'm late. I bumped into someone special. I lost track of time...," he said. The whole time, he looked at me. I blushed. I'm glad no one noticed. He took his seat next to me. I drank some water to calm down. My heart was beating fast.

"It's okay, son," John said. I drank some more water. I was thinking... If John was the previous Alpha and he called the guy next to me... son... that means that he is-

"Hi, Alpha Xavier. My name is Caden and this is my sister, Savannah," Caden said. I choked on my water. Everyone looked at me.

"Wha- What? Did you say Alpha," I coughed. I looked at Caden.

"Yeah, Alpha," Caden said. He looked at me as if I was crazy.

"No, call me Xavier," Xavier said. Oh my god! He was the Alpha and my mate. Our pups will be very strong because I have Alpha blood in me as well! I shook that thought out of my head. Really! I was really thinking about that! I didn't even know him!

Caden was patting my back. Xavier growled possessively. Ooooo, I liked that he's possesive meaning he would protect me with any cost. Caden put his hands in surrender.

"Hey, John, I guess we're going to be closely related now," dad said. He looked between me and Xavier. I coughed a little bit more.

"I guess so!" John said, playing along.

"OMG! We're going to be sister-in-laws!" Angel yelled. She jumped out of her seat and looked at me. "Remember, what I told you about my brother," she whispered.

Caden and I looked at each other, and laughed so much because of that little conversation we had upstairs. I looked at Xavier. He looked confused and looked at Angel, his head cocked to the side. We finished our meal and sat in the lounge after that.

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