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"Tell me." Shi demanded. He cupped her cheeks, brushing the unshed tears away. Yan Da instinctively closed her eyes with the familiar touch.

The prince felt his heart fluttered at that simple act of submission. Parts of his dreams then flashed in his mind. The one that woke him up in the middle of the night.

"Yan Da?" He tested. Her eyes snapped open, staring at him in shock. At the confirmation, Shi let out a victorious smirk. He let go of her facing his father.

"Father, fine I'll get married." He said, making Yan Da's heart ache again.

The king smiled. "Then you and Lan Shang..."

"Father," Shi interrupted. "I said I'll get married but not to Lan Shang."

The king frowned. But at least his son is now considering getting married. "Hao. Who is it then that you want to marry?"

"For years we've been in continuous feud with the fire tribe and now they want to be our allies. Even if we agree, there would still be people who would doubt this treaty. Why not make it more stable to make those people believe in it?"

"What do you want to do then?" Shuo Gang asked. He doesn't know if he'll like where this is going.

"If Princess Yan Da will consent," Shi replied, facing her. "to bond with me for eternity then it will be solved."

"Yan Da?" asked Shuo Gang, asking for her side. Her eyes were narrowed at Shi.

"You want to marry me to make the alliance stronger?" She repeated.

"What else would it be?" He returned, enjoying the spark of anger in her eyes.

"You." She gritted her teeth. "No. I'm not going to marry you just for that reason," she growled, leaving the throne room in anger.

When, she's gone Shi let out an amused laugh. "My decision still stands." He told the king before following Yan Da.

"Your Majesty?" asked the leaders. The king sighed massaging his head. "Let them be. At least now we know that the rumors aren't true. Prince Shuo Gang, let's all discuss what you came here for."

Shuo Gang nodded. Rest could wait. He just hopes that Yan Da would be alright.

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"That stupid Ying Kong Shi!" Yan Da screamed. The sound of her whip echoed in the castle. "Stupid. Arrogant. Prince!"

"Cursing me already, I see." Said a teasing voice behind her. "And we're not even married yet."

Yan Da's brow twitched. "Who said that I'll marry you? You don't even know if I'm already bonded."

Shi's amused expression was wiped out at that. Yan Da didn't see it so she was surprised when she was pulled inside the room that they were facing.

She cried out in pain when he pinned her hard down the bed.

"You're married!?" Shi spat. His anger unmistakable. Yan Da returned his glare.

"Let go. It's none of your business." She said, trying to dislodge his hold on her.

"Who?" he asked. His eyes were gold again. Pupils turned into slits. He felt murderous.

"Let go!" Yan Da said again, feeling his grip on her tightened.

"WHO IS IT!?" he roared. Yan Da just smirked. Unfazed.

"Someone you can't compare too." she answered. He snapped at that, crashing his mouth into hers.

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