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In the Ice Tribe...

They're still restless. They haven't found anything at all. Not even a single clue or trace as to who took the youngest prince. Ka Suo already went to see Xing Jiu but even him couldn't see anything. It's like the youngest prince just vanished into thin air. Wherever he is it was well hidden and protected. Moreover, the one holding him was really smart and powerful. She/he managed to enter the tribe without detection. Not even the envoys saw that person.

How many days had it been? Five and they still didn't find anything. They suspected the fire tribe and even went there. Flame let them check every nook of his kingdom but they came out empty handed.

"Where are you Shi?" Ka Suo asked, looking at the wide sky. Praying above for his brother's safe return.

(^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^)

With Shi and Yan Da...

"What are you doing?"

She was just done dressing when the prince came out of nowhere and pinned her down on the bed. His been doing weird things to her a lot lately. Like holding her possessively in his arms when they sleep. Biting her wrist and neck once in a while and now she could feel him scenting her.

"Ying Kong Shi?" she called out when she didn't get an answer.

"You smell so good." He replied, burying his nose deeper on the arch of her neck.

Yan Da sighed. "I'm tired. Can't we just sleep?" He let her go, moving to his side. She settled herself beside him, knowing that he would just pull her back if she went to the farther side of the bed. It's not like he's doing anything besides holding her close. Besides his scent was comforting. Making her sleep fast and peaceful till morning.

(^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^)

Shi let out a contented smile when he felt her relax in his arms. He didn't know why but he just wanted to be close to her the last two days. He didn't like it when she's far away from him nor when she's out of his sight. He feels restless when that happens.

He knew that it would irritate her though so he fought that urge back except when they're sleeping. He could hold her as close as he wants. Looking down, he saw the fresh bite mark he gave her. That made him feel proud and accomplished for some reason.

He bit his lip, wondering what's going on with him. Slowly, tiredness seeped into his being, making him forget about his thoughts. Not long ,he too was fast asleep.


Yan Da was already up and training. Stopping when a messenger bird from her tribe landed in front of her.

"Yan Da, father wants you to come back in here tomorrow."

"Why?" She asked. "It's only been a week since I left. I'm not done with my training yet."

"He didn't tell me but it seems ..." Shuo Gang dragged on.


"Yan Da, what do you think about settling down?"

She dropped her weapon when she heard that. "W-what? Is father planning on marrying me off?"

Shuo Gang was quiet for a while. He then said. "Possibly. Come back tomorrow. You know how father is." The bird then left the stunned princess.

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