diary of a teen- part 15

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Friday 10/02/09

Dear Diary,

So I might just be the biggest suck-up ever! But I think I might have just won over Dillon's mom a little bit.

I went over to their house after school today and made this whole elaborate scheme. Before his mom got home I made a huge dinner and cleaned up after. Then I told Dillon to act like he got hurt, which he did, and I made him all better.

I did everything I good girlfriend (one "worthy of Dillon") would do. Before I left she asked me if I was going to come with them on Sunday to do their weekly family fun time or whatever, I said I didn't know if I was. And get this, SHE ASKED ME TO COME! She actually wants me to spend time with her family!

I almost fainted right there! I think Dillon almost did too. So Sunday we are going to play baseball I think. Dillon and his dad already picked teams (Me, Dillon, and Angelica against His mom and dad.) And I am so excited! Hopefully I will make her like me even more!


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