diary of a teen- part 8

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Tuesday 9/08/09

Dear Diary,

I really wish I could just cut off my brain sometimes. I have felt really depressed and pathetic after the funeral. I've been thinking a lot abut life lately and decided that I have done nothing with mine. Honestly, what's the point of living if you refuse to live?

I know writing this probably just makes me more pathetic, but I don't care. I haven't really talked to anyone, only writing in my diary, because I feel guilty. It's pathetic when you don't talk just because you hate the sound of your own voice. Why is that people like Rebecca, who have so much life, die and people like me, the ones that refuse to do anything, live? I have done nothing with my life except good grades, and since Rebecca's suicide they have started to slip, so what does that make me now? Answer: a waste of life.

So, I'm tired of this whole self-pity act. The ONLY way not to feel guilty and pathetic is to actually live. I'm not going to feel depressed anymore, instead I am going to do everything I have ever wanted to do and live a life worth living.


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