diary of a teen- part 9

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Friday 9/11/09

Dear Diary,

Living is kind of intimidating and scary. I decided that I was going to live a little more after my last entry, and I thought that I shouldn't be living alone, so I chose to ask Dillon on a date. He said yes!!

He is coming to pick me up in a couple of hours. We are going to go out to dinner and he said he had a surprise for me after. I haven't been this excited in such a long time. Is it wrong to be happy after your best friend died only a couple weeks ago? I keep thinking yes but then I think that Rebecca wouldn't want anyone to be sad. Life is too short to grieve forever. That is one thing I learned from Rebecca's suicide.

I am in the car going over to my mom's house right now so she can help me get ready. I'm really nervous, what if he thinks we are going out as friends instead of something more? Just have to push those thoughts out of my mind for now. At least after tonight I will know if he thinks of us as friends or as something else.

I have butterflies in my stomach! Wish me luck!!!


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