Imam Mahdi's Government & Raj'at (The Return)

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Revival of the Sunnah

Imam Mahdi (a.j) will establish a just government and will prepare the grounds for man's perfection in all dimensions.

There are some traditions on the way of his governance. Some of the features of his government are discussed below.

Revival of the Holy Book and Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (saw)

After his reappearance, Imam Mahdi (a.j) invites people who are sick of oppression, injustice and wickedness to embrace three principles of Unity, Prophecy and Imamate.

According to the narrations, during his era, education will be developed at its most and all Prophets and Imams' instructions will be used to raise human beings and help them attain moral excellence.

As Imam Baqir (as) narrates: "During Imam Mahdi's era, people will learn knowledge and wisdom to the extent that a housewife at home will be able to judge freely on the basis of the Holy Prophet's acts and the Quran."

In addition, Imam Baqir (as) says, "He will invite people to stick to the Holy Qur'an, Prophet's Sunnah and Imam Ali's leadership and avoid the enemies."

As Imam Ali (as) says in sermon 138 (Nahj al-Balagha): "Upon Imam Mahdi's reappearance, he will direct desires towards (the path of) guidance at a time when people have turned guidance towards desires, and he will draw their attention to the direction of the Quran while the people try to interpret the Quran according to their own views.

He also punishes all those agents who did evil for their wrongdoing.

He will show you the just way of behavior and revive the Qur'an and Sunnah which are neglected by the people."


Al-Sahla Mosque (Arabic: مسجد السهلة), is one of the best-known Islamic mosques built in the 1st/7th century by some Arab tribes of Kufa, about two kilometers northwest of the Great Mosque of Kufa.

The mosque is one of the oldest mosques associated with Imam Mahdi (a.j). There is a place (called "maqam") in the mosque attributed to Imam Mahdi (a.j).

According to some hadiths, Imam Mahdi (a.j) will reside in al-Sahla Mosque after his reappearance.

Al-Sahla Mosque is one of the important mosques.

Imam Sadiq (as) said, "Every day and nights, Angels visit this mosque and worship Allah (swt). If I lived close to this mosque, I would perform all of my daily prayers there."

According to a hadith from Imam al-Baqir (as), 'Allah did not raise a Prophet unless he said prayers in this mosque.

Divine justice will appear in this place, and it is home to Prophets (as), Imams (as) and righteous people.'

And according to a hadith from Imam al-Sajjad (as), 'If a person says two rak'as of prayer in al-Sahla Mosque, Allah will add two years to his or her life.'

Recommended Practices

There are many manners and dhikrs mentioned in collections of Ziyarat and supplications for al-Sahla Mosque, including saying prayers, reading some Surahs of the Qur'an as well as special supplications and dhikrs.


The Mosque of Kufa

There are many hadiths regarding the merits of this mosque.

According to some hadiths, the Mosque of Kufa is a garden of the Heaven.

If one enters the Mosque of Kufa, one will be forgiven. Kufa will be the center of Imam al-Mahdi's (a.j) government, and the Mosque of Kufa will be the headquarter of his command.

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