Imam (a.j)'s Expectations & Worries

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Imam Mahdi (a.j) said, 'Our followers must be patient when it comes to hardships and difficulties.'


Imam Mahdi (a.j) said to Sheikh Hassan Samerai (ra), "Tell our followers to vow by the right of my aunty Zainab (sa) to Allah for expediting of my manifestation."


One of great Scholars from Isfahan said, 'I once saw Imam (a.j) in my dream and asked him, what should I do to get closer to you?'

He replied, 'Be sincere in your deeds and make sure they're done for the sake of Allah (swt).'


Imam (aj) said to Ayatollah Azami Sayyid Abul Hassan Isfahani (rah),
'Make yourself easy to approach and available for people so they can come to you easily when they need your help and solve their problems.

We will also help you.'


It is said that a lover of AhlulBayt (as) had a sick father whom he used to take care of.

He used to visit Al-Sahlah Mosque every Wednesday night.

But after a while he stopped going there.

They asked him the reason behind it, and he said,

'I went to Al-Sahlah Mosque for fourty nights and on the last night, I saw an Arab man riding a horse.

He told me three times, 'Take care of your father.' That's when I realized that Imam (a.j) is not happy with me leaving my father alone and going to Al-Sahlah Mosque.'


Hajj Sheikh Muhammad Hassan Molavi Qhandehari had the opportunity to meet Imam (a.j) in Hazrat Abul Fazl Al Abbas (as)'s Shrine.

He said, 'I saw a Quran that was laying on the ground.'

Imam (a.j) told me, 'Be watchful and respect the Holy Quran.'

I then bent down, picked up the Qur'an and after kissing it, put it back in its shelf.'


Mr. Mirza Muhammad Baqir Isfahani said,'One night I had a dream about Imam Hassan (as).

He told me, 'Tell people to beg for forgiveness & pray for reappearance of Imam Mahdi (a.j).

You should know that praying for his reappearance is obligatory just like how daily prayers are obligatory.'

Imam Mahdi's worries

One of the Imam (a.j)'s order is, "Don't become united with oppressors and don't ask for their help or else you'll get covered in fire."

Hijab & Chastity

Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad Baqir Sistani had decided to recite Ziarat Ashura for forty nights in different Mosques every Fridays in order to meet Imam (a.j).

On his last Friday, he noticed a light coming from a house near the Mosque.

He walked towards the house and saw Imam (a.j) sitting in one of the rooms.

In the middle of the room, there was a corpse covered by white cloth.

He said, 'When I walked inside the house, tears began pouring down my face, I greeted Imam (a.j).'

He told me, 'Why are you looking for me like this and putting yourself through so much pain?

Be like her,' he pointed towards the corpse, 'I will be the one coming after you.'

He then continued, 'This is the corpse of a faithful Muslim woman who used to live during the time where soldiers would forcefully take off women's hijabs.

She stayed in her house for seven years and never went outside so no soldier would do the same to her.'

One of Imam (a.j) Worries is not being careful when it comes to halal and haram things.

There was a man, who struggled a lot; performed different aamals, and other ascetic and self-disciplinary practices to meet Imam (a.j).

One day, he was told that Imam (a.j) was then in the blacksmiths market and in a shop belonging to a locksmith.

He rushed towards that shop
and found Imam (a.j) sitting and talking with that locksmith.

At the same time, a woman came to the shop and asked the locksmith whether he would buy a lock from her for 3 shahis (1 shahi=5 dinars).

The old locksmith replied that the price of this lock is actually 8 shahis.

The old man offered to make a key for that lock for 2 shahis and said that this lock can then be sold for 10 shahis.

The woman said that she was in need of money and just wanted to sell that lock and urged him to buy the lock from her just for 3 shahis.

The locksmith replied that he wouldn't buy the property of her for a low price.

He offered to buy that lock for 7 shahis. The woman wouldn't believe her ears and said that no one else in the market was even willing to buy the lock for anything greater than 2 shahis.

She took 7 shahis and left happily.

The man, who came to meet Imam, was intently looking at the transaction between the locksmith and the woman.

Imam turned towards him and said: "My Dear! Did you watch the wonderful scene?

You do likewise too, and become like that, then I will come to see you.

There is no need for ascetic seclusion and resorting to Jafr (numerical symbolism). Self-discipline and various travels will not be required; instead show good action and be a Muslim so that I can interact with you.

Of all the people in this city, I picked out this old man, since this man is religious and knows Allah (swt).

And you observed the trial he went through: This old woman requested all in the bazaar, to fulfill her need and since they found her desperate and needy, they were all seeking to buy (her lock) cheap; and nobody bought it even for three shahis.

This old man, however, bought it for its real price, i. e., seven shahis. Thus, every week I pay a visit to this man and show kindness and amiability towards him."

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