I watched him closely. As he spoke of his sister, the small slashes that he would commit against the dead were becoming larger, and more erratic. He was becoming upset. He took a deep breath, throwing down the knife and instead, grabbing a man by the neck. "She became with child and wrote me a letter telling me that she would rather die than to have the child, so I traveled here and killed her."

My stomach felt as if it dropped to the ground. My footing became wary as the man stared at me. In the eyes. "Y-you killed your sister?" The words made me sick. I could not fathom killing Edwin.

"Yes. She wished for it. Who was I to deny her death? I am her eldest brother, I am her protector I failed my duties by letting that filth take her so I redeemed myself and made peace by ending her life," he spoke with shaky thunder. Veins sprouted from his face as he shook. "Any sane man would have done it."

We have two very different meanings of the word sane! "You could have taken her away! Why kill her!"

He began to laugh. Loudly. As if what I said were nothing more than a jesting matter. "You know you husband. He would tear his army apart, he would tear my people to shreds. He would sacrifice his entire army and more to get her back. The only way to escape him would be death. I recommend that for you too, human. You would look beautiful, dead."

"You creatures are all insane! You all need to die not us, the women, the wives! How do you expect a woman to love you when you kill a-and-"

"-I do not need love. I need reverence and lust," he said icily. "Love is for those who are weak. Like the fae people, they are the weakest, they have the most love. Love is a disease, once you have it you will go mad and eventually die from it. That is the direction that the Dragon kingdom is going in. They are the most powerful but with that Fae Queen they will surely fall-"

"-And foolish arrogance, leech King! Do not forget that is how most kingdoms fall." My wanton emotions of fear and dread were soon dissipated as Hilda waltzed into the room. She did not drop dead like I thought she would. Relief flooded through me immediately.

The Vampire King instantly tensed as Hilda stepped over the bloodied bodies and corpses to stand in front of the him. He towered over her like a mountain. Yet she still stood tall. Well as tall as a hunched over and angry old woman could get.

He laughed, bending down to look Hilda in the eyes. "So we meet again, Islania." Who is Islania?

"You have caused a mess! What ritual are you trying to do? What do you want with the girl?" Hilda questioned as the man hissed, grabbing her cane.

"How do you two know one another?" I questioned, watching Hilda glance at me and smile. What was that supposed to mean?

The Vampire King chuckled, "Islania was my mentor. She has taught me the ways of the ancient ones," the Vampire King said as he frowned, his eyes turning to slits as he stared down at Hilda.

"Her name is Hilda."

"This great sorceress goes by many names. I know her as Islania, now a question would be why do you stay in my enemy's territory?" He asked, his cool tone now disappearing as Hilda chuckled.

"That is of no importance. Why have you cast that spell unto the little servant girl? She is nothing to you, yes?"

The Vampire King glanced at Sarah who was still in her sleep like state. "She is my bride, Islania. Have you been purposely harboring her all along? You and that pest of a King are allies now?"

Hilda chuckled, "I am ally to none, enemy to many. You know that, Talon. I had extended my stay and you have the wrong female, Talon. The one who is your bride is not the servant girl."

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