Chapter 11: Hospital Hostility

Start from the beginning

    "Lydia, you were with Stiles before? Did he tell you anything?"

    Lydia shifted a bit as the memory of him leaving Beacon Hills crossed her mind. She had never told anyone about Scott and Stiles leaving with the Winchester boys. Not even the pack itself, she had just told them that they both had to leave for a while for college business.

    "Don't mean to interrupt, as much as I care about Stiles and Scott, we have to focus on something a little bigger than two missing idiots. They were at the cave, the one where it contains a very strange energy, right Lydia," asked Malia.

    Lydia shook her head yes and explained, "Yeah, actually, Scott, Stiles, and I were trying to understand before we could engage into investigating into it."

    Noah scrunched his nose in confusion, "What energy?"

    Liam explained, "Lydia told us that she sensed some kind of energy explosion that was really intense and so massive, it nearly engulfed the world and managed reach here, in Beacon Hills."

    Noah looked at them with raised eyebrows. Malia got more into the subject, "When it arrived in Beacon Hills, it settled here. Preserved in some way. According to Scott, it took the form of a bush with strange pink flowers."

    "What else," Noah asked, "anything I need to know?"

    Lydia had thought back to the moment where Scott had mentioned something rather concerning and confusing about the bush. She hesitated for a moment until she continued, "Scott said that the walls were covered in strange markings. It's in a language none of us have ever seen before."

    Mr. Stilinski rubbed his temples, not even wanting to know why those markings were there, and told the strawberry blonde haired girl to continue. Okay, here it goes. She took in a shaky breath and stated the next part with caution, "Scott told me that when Stiles got near it, the bush, he had gotten really dizzy, nearly fainted."

    Their eyes had widened, even the teens weren't aware of this. Stiles was human, how could he have been affected when Scott wasn't? Malia spoke, "You never mentioned that. Was he okay?"

    Lydia answered, "It wasn't severe but we didn't want him to go back just in case it would worsen his condition."

    "And Scott wasn't? He wasn't affected by the bush's, well whatever it has? Nothing happened to him," asked Liam.The banshee shook her head.

    "Sheriff," they turned to see the familiar lovely yet fierce woman with delegate tan skin and curly dark hair. Melissa McCall ran towards them as she held a few files in her hands. Mr. Stilinski nodded towards her and told the kids that the nurse needed the see them.

    Noah walked with Melissa as they discussed with the issue at hand. "How's  Argent. Is he healing?"

    Melissa nodded. "He's fine. I just told him to rest for awhile. The gun shot had only scraped his arm a little. Just a few days in the hospital and he'll be back to his usual hunting business."

    The sheriff nodded in relief, but in all honesty, a wounded hunter was the least of his worries right now. He had remembered the night where Stiles had gone missing. The day after, he had awakened in the morning and tried to wake up Stiles. When he had walked into his son's room, he had seen that the sunlight was pouring like daggers in the darkness with a sleeping figure on the bed with wrinkly sheets that reeked with the stench of an over grown man in a dump for a room. Eighteen years old and Stiles was still smelling like a little boy with bad hygiene.

    The sheriff just ignored this issue and walked through the mess or old clothes and books on the floor to wake up his son, or at least he tried to wake him up. As soon as he was going to lay a hand on Stiles' shoulder, it had felt more like a soft, yet cold surface. Worry had consumed him and he immediately rolled back the blanket, but he was more shocked to see a bunch of pillows beneath the surface of the blanket. The pillows had been organized together to look like a sleeping body.

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