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I headed out to my office straight from Stacey's apartment. As I headed over to the work, I thought of all the fun we had last night and how I will miss all this later on, when Stacey gets married or when I do.

I reached the office on time, sat down on my desk and started completing my work that had been pending for quite some time. A clerk came towards me "Will is calling you" he said and I stood up and started going towards his office. I knocked on his door and entered inside.

"Ah, kyra! Hope wedding preparations are going well!" Will said. "Yes sir, I am almost there" I replied with a smile. "Trust me, you can never be there until you are" Will said again and I laughed at it. "So, coming back to work, I am offering you a position as the head of the department. You will get your own office, increase in salary and perks, what do you say?" Will said as he folded his hands on the table. "Yes..yes sir, thank you so much" i replied with joy.

"Okay, so your office is ready. Go in there take your stuff, and enjoy being the boss but it is going to be hard, will you be able to manage it?" Will asked me, "I will try my best" I replied in a serious tone. "Okay, off you go then" will said as he pointed out towards the door.

I came outside, about to scream, the best day after so long. I texted it to the group containing Stacey, Kyle and Ben. "Congratulations" the messages said. "Time for a party tonight" Kyle said in the text. He sounded like nothing ever happened and was all normal, this broke my heart but I have decided what to do.

"Okay, meet you all at 19:00hrs @le meridian" I replied in the text.

"Fancy" Ben sent a text.

"See you there, love" Ben sent in a private text.

Time passed by, finally the day was over. After a long and exhausting day at work, I went to the ladies room, to freshen up and check up on my make up.

After touching up a little, all ready to go for dinner and it is like half hour away from the office by drive.

I reached there on time, I had already made the reservations beforehand, when I came to know about the promotion. I reached there and took the seats, I was the first one to arrive and I ordered a house wine, until I waited for others.

Kyle was the first one to arrive, he congratulated me and he gave me a side hug. It was awkward at first, I looked at him, as he sat across the table. "Let's forget about the... you know what I am talking about" Kyle said. "I was about to say the same" I replied to him and I was happy everything was clear.

Stacey and Ben came in together. Both hugged me one by one and later Ben kissed me on the cheeks, he didn't want to ruin my make up.
We all sat down, ben ordered a bottle of champagne and as soon as it arrived, we all toasted for my success.

We all had an amazing dinner, while we all laughed together, no more awkwardness between anyone, and loved it. "Let's pick up your glasses, and we all wish for your success, Kyra and your upcoming wedding" stacey said, we all clinked our glasses and drank our champagne.

Stacey and I went to the ladies room, till the main course arrived on the table.

"So what is all left for the wedding?" Stacey asked me, as we touched up our lipsticks. "It's all going well" I replied. We just talked some more before we went out.

Dinner was here when we reached the table, we sat down and started eating. "So how come you both came together" I asked ben and stacey. They first looked at each other like something wrong had happened. "We just met outside" Ben replied. "Oh" I said in a confused state and continued with my dinner.

We were all done very soon and I decided to skip dessert and head out home to just sleep, have a great night sleep because we all have to go work tomorrow and that too early all of us at the same day.

We started heading out after I paid the bill and packed up some food for later use.

We headed out and started waiting for our car. "Kyle, can you drop me home" Stacey asked Kyle. "Then how did you come here?" I asked her and she looked at Ben who was standing behind me. "I came by cab" Stacey replied. "But why?" I asked her again. "I was tired to drive so" she replied again. "Ok okay! I will drop you home" Kyle said . "Or you can take my car, just drop it off at my office tomorrow and then you can leave for yours" I told to stacey. "No! It is okay, Kyle can drop me and I will take a cab tomorrow to work" Stacey replied and hugged me while saying "goodbye, good night, see you soon". "Good night baby" "good night Kyle" I said and he hugged me and took a deep breath before he went out. Kyle's car came before mine, they sat down in the car and they drove off. My car came first and I went off to the apartment. I checked in my rear view mirror and Ben was behind me.

I reached the apartment first and waited for Ben after I parked my car, but he was nowhere to be seen. I called him but his phone was busy. Finally he came after 20 min but now I was in the apartment.

"Ugh, where were you? I called you but your phone was busy". "I..i got a call from the office, so I stopped to attend it". "Okay, but how come at this time" I asked. "It was an emergency" he replied as he took off his coat. I let it go cause I believed him.

We both freshened up and headed over to the bed and I dozed off, while he read some book.

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