33 - Forcing Love

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"Then don't act like a fucking brat," I sneered. "What the fuck is your problem? Calling Julia, making her find Eileen and I like that? You call yourself her friend yet hurt her that way?"

"I don't like Eileen," Addie muttered.

"I should leave," Julia said. "Can I go talk to Eileen first, though? 

I hesitated for a moment, but nodded. Hopefully Eileen wouldn't mind.

"That's it? You broke up with her?"

"Yes. Tell me, what is going on Addie. You had no problem with her before and all of a sudden you do. I won't tolerate that, you're a grown up, start acting like it. She's younger than you, for fuck's sake. She's twenty two, and she's more mature than you. If you have a problem with her you need to tell me, and give me a good reason because she has done nothing to you."

"She left you, Alex. She fucking left you. What tells you that she won't leave again if things get rough? If you two have a problem? She'll just hurt you again! You're my brother, I don't want her to hurt you."

"Addie, she won't. She doesn't run from her issues. If you knew the full story you'd understand but it's not my place to tell you. If one day I do, it'll be because she gave me her consent."

"Why do you want someone like that? With so many fucking issues, I don-"

"It's not your place to get it, Adeleine. I've spent the past what, seven years caring for you? You're no longer a child, and I expect you to act like the adult you are. You may not like her, but you sure as hell will respect her unless you don't want me to speak to you again."

Addie looked like she was about to cry. I placed my hands on her shoulders. I understood her point of view, but she was stubborn, just like our father had been. She could never see the other side of any situation. It was hell getting her through high school and university.

"And Luke, I don't know what you're problem is with him but he's always been a part of the family, you know that. Don't be a brat, you're better than that."

Addie nodded, gave me a kiss on the cheek and then went to the bedroom she was staying in. This was going to be a hell of a day.



"I'm naive, aren't I? I should have noticed how he looked at you, how he talked about you."

I sighed. This was incredibly uncomfortable. 

"We should have told you, Julia, that was our mistake."

She looked like she was holding back tears. She had truly been nothing but nice to me, nicer than Addie even, we at least owed her an explanation.

"I never had a chance with him, did I?"

"I don't know, Julia. I do wish you the best though... I'm sorry that things ended up this way."

"You're not."

I narrowed my eyes on her. I wasn't sure if that was a dig at me or not, but I wasn't going to risk it.

"I think this conversation is pretty much over, Julia."

"Yes," she said nodding. Just as she was opening the door, she stopped, turning around. "I'll be in town for a while, so I'm sure I'll be seeing you around. Have a good day, Eileen."

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