Chapter 15

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I was awaken when the sunshine passed through the window. I squinted my eyes and rubbed it to remove the sleep on my eyes but to my surprise... My hands became paws... I stared at it for a moment and I screamed.

"What happened to y--" Jeagerson rushed to the room and was surprised to my appearance. "What happened to you?!" He asked me. "I... I don't know but... This is... The effect of the runestones for sure!" I muttered. "Runestones you say? You mean those stones that made humans into a fluffy?" He asked and grabbed my hand and looked at it. "Y..Yes... You know anything about it?!" I asked him looking at his eyes intently. "You are cursed by runestones am I right?" Jeagerson asked me. "Yes! Yes I am cursed! Can you help me?!" I asked him with hope gleaming on my face. "I can do help but... I don't know..." He said hesitantly. "What do you know about these runestones?" I asked him. "Only humans that was turned into fluffies by runestones can use them. They can control it and do magic. Usually they curse humans because they were offended by them. The origin of the runestones are unknown." he answered. "Then how can the curse be broken?" I asked him hoping he can give an answer. "You have to brake the runestones. The runestones of the one who cursed you." He answered briefly. "Right! I have to destroy Drake's runestones!" I happily said. "Drake?" He asked looking at me. "The one who kidnapped me who's chasing me last night...." I replied. "But.. He won't let his runestones be destroyed." I said and frowned. "He's very strong." I added. "Actually, human that received runestones are the strongest fluffies in the world. Not even me can fight him." He explained. "Then how can we defeat him?" I asked. "Well... We have no choice than to go hand in hand. Its a touch-and-go decision" He replied. "Bring me back to the city!" I cried. "Bring me back and I will find two other friends who can help!" I frantically said. "Okay then.. We'll leave tomorrow." Jeagerson answered back. "Okay..." I mumbled.

I was left by Jeagerson alone in his cabin hidden on the basement so I will be safe from Drake while he is hunting for food. I was like.. Seriously... Hunting? We aren't wild animals. Well, it seems that animal instincts are more dominant on him. He came back with two wild birds.

"I got these birds. But I don't know how to cook so I usually cook it over open flame." He said while lifting the two dead birds. "Hmmm.. No problem. Let me return the favor. I will cook it." I said and smiled brightly. "You cook?" He asked surprised.

"Why? What's so amazing about that?" I asked while looking away. "Its... Unusual to see guys that can cook." He said and looked at me. "Unusual? I don't think so..." I muttered as I took the wild birds to the sink for cleaning. I seasoned it with pepper and salt and soy sauce. "Why do you have some basic ingredients here if you can't cook?" I asked him. "Well..." He hesitantly mumbled. "I had this girl... Before..." He said as he sat down on the chair in the kitchen. "Before?" I asked as I prepared the furnace that was hardly unused for years.

"Yeah.. She... Died..." He said and looked down with sorrow on his eyes. "That's too sad to hear Jeager..." I said in a low manner. "She died when we were on our trip to an island. We had the same hobbies. Hunting, island hopping... Adventures. We used to live here." He said. "Well... I'm so sorry for you..." I mewled and sat beside him. There was an awkward silence but after I finished cooking we ate together while talking about happy stuff. The whole day went that way... It was fine. We talked about everything so we got close.


Its already 10:15 P.M. I am very worried about the lessons and for Joseph and Kenn. I've been gone for almost one month. I forced myself to sleep but I just can't. Jeagerson? He's alone outside at the front porch. I decided to go outside and sit beside him. So I did. I sat beside him. "What are you doing? You should be sleeping now right?" He said and looked at me on the sides of his eyes. "I... I can't fall asleep. I'm worrying too much." I mumbled. "You must be excited to go back to the city... Right?" He asked and faced me. "Eh.. No.. I just can't fall asleep." I replied. He suddenly pulled his face closer to me and kissed me...




Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis! xD so suddenly?! Lolz. Its a cut scene. Jk. xD I'm too lazy to write.. At least I updated! xD

Gaiiiz...? Sorry. Its black out here so there's no Wi-Fi. :( I can't update. And, I will try to finish the story within summer break. Keep reading guys! AI LAB YUUUU! XD

and don't forget to...


I beg you please... xD

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