Chapter 12

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The whole night I forced myself to return back to human form but I just can't. I exhausted myself and fell asleep with Kenn. The next day I was awakened by Kenn's voice. "Kira! You're back!" He happily shouted. "What is it...?" I tried to open my eyes and looked around me. I lifted my arms and looked at it. Then to Kenn. Then to my arms. Then to Kenn. Then to my arms again. Then to Kenn again. "I'm back! I'M BACK TO NORMAL!!!" I screamed with joy! "What did you do? You never fail to amuse me Kira!" Kenn said and jumped on top of me. "R..really?" I said and blushed. "Yeah. Now let's prepare for classes!" He said and stood up. "Yeah... Sure..." I said and stood up.

After I took a bath and dressed, I went downstairs for breakfast. The inviting aroma of waffles and freshly roasted and brewed coffee wafted through the air. I excitedly ran to the dinning and saw Kenn waiting for me. "Good morning, young master Kira." Wallace said. "What?" I gasped. "From now on, he'll be your master too." Kenn said and pointed at me."Ehh? why?" I asked. "Just because I want to." Kenn said and laughed. "I... I don't like it. I'm not comfortable being called 'young master'." I said and looked down.

"Okay. Young master?" Wallace asked Kenn. "Geez! Why don't you like my jokes Kira?" Kenn asked. "I... I dunno..." I replied. "Sigh... Let's just eat already."  Kenn said.

After we ate breakfast we went to the school. Kenn was a little bit upset to me. "Kenn?" I mumbled. He didn't answered. "Hey? Kenneth?" I continued. "Kenn? Are you mad at me?" I grabbed his hand. Suddenly, he grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I blushed a little before our lips collided with each other. I kissed back. Kenn bent and before I knew it he was over me. "Kenn.." I moaned slowly. "Shhh..." He sounded and gestured 'hush' before he slid his hand inside my pants. He stroked it. His grip, getting tighter. His speed, greeting faster. "I'm... Coming..." I groaned silently. He smirked and opened his mouth. I shot jets of white hot liquid into his mouth. He sat down and drank my ejaculation while I'm zipping my zipper. After a few minutes, we reached the school. I went outside and followed Kenn. "Kenn are you mad at me?" I asked him and looked at him intently. "If I cannot make you laugh with my childish jokes, I will pleasure you as long as I could." He answered plainly. Suddenly Joseph came in front of us. "Kira." Joseph looked at me. "Kira. Let's go." Kenn pulled me away from Joseph and went to the classroom.

"Let's see what will happen to Kira. If his cat features comes out.. I'll come in action. Drake will have you again. My Kira..."

The classes went on. Joseph kept on throwing paper messages to me. All inscribed with the sentence: "I'm sorry Kira..."   I just ignored it.  The last subject came. My tummy was grumbling. Suddenly, I felt an itchy sensation on my legs. I lifted my pants that covers my legs and saw cat fur growing from it. "This can't be! No!" I cried mentally. I felt the itch all over my legs. The fur started to creep above my tummy. The itch was being unbearable. I cannot hold it back and raised my hand. "Ma'am... Can I.. go to the... Restroom?" I cried. "Go ahead." She replied. I ran to the restrooms as fast as I can. I pulled out the razor that Kenn gave me. I quickly shaved my fur. "Does it bothers you? Huh? My Kira?" A familiar voice said. I turned my head to looked and my eyes widened. My irises contracted. "D..Drake.. What are you..." I was horrified. "I'm here to take you. Like I always wanted. We will live happily ever... After!" He approached me and grabbed my hand. "Let go of me!" I screamed. "Shut the fuck up!" He said and forcefully pulled my tail.

"Kira!" Joseph and Kenn shrieked in unison. "Help me! Kenn! Its him!" I cried for help.

"Hmmm? Is that your new boyfriend? I look better than him!" Drake said and laughed sinisterly. "I'm going to cut you!" Kenn shrieked as claws springer from his hand. "Oh? Really?" Drake's claws appeared. It was very sharp. Kenn jumped on Drake but Drake was fast enough. He switched to cat mode and appeared behind Kenn and switched back to human form. "Slow pussy..." Drake smirked before he delivered a strong slash. Kenn's back bled and fell on the ground. Joseph managed to strike Drake but Drake kicked Joseph and slashed his face with his claws. Blood sprung from his cheeks. Other wounds were deep. "Drake..." I whimpered. "Come with me... I'm gonna satisfy myself." Drake said and grabbed me by my ears and shoved a dildo in my mouth.

"Where are you bringing me?!" I cried.

"Somewhere where they cannot find you..." He replied.



Drake is _______ (that's a surprise probably somewhere in chapter 14 to be revealed maybe.) Stay tuned guys! This is totally EXCITING! I promise! and sorry this part is short again. :|

and please...


I luv you all guyzz! ^.-


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