13. What Happened?

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A week later.

Milyon actually haven't been a problem here...not like I thought she would be.

I thought I was going to have to shoot her by now, but I didn't.

She been spending time with the boys while I've been out doing work.

Today Nunu's coming over to change her up a lil bit.

So she won't be as recognizable as she is now.

I gotta watch Nunu though. She supposed to have came last week.

But she didn't.

And Milyon been stuck wearing my clothes and using up all my bathroom products.

Annoying ass.

I walked to my bed and smirked at King as I tied his shoes up.

The both of us are matching just because I felt like it.

I walked down the stairs to see Milyon sitting on the couch drinking a jungle juice with her hair rolled into that shit girls call a bun.

She was in my clothes as usual and I grinned.

I can't even cap, she looked good in my shit.

King made some type of happy ass noise as he wriggled out my arms and crawled to Milyon.

"You need to start walking luh nigga. You too muthafucking old to be doing allat crawling." I scolded him making Milyon turn towards us.

She smiled widely once seeing him and grabbed him in her arms.

"Shut up he's only 1 stupid." She said.

She looked at me and smiled even more.

"This sooooo cute! Y'all matching!!!" She squealed and I grinned.

We had on a navy blue polo shirt that had the Red polo sign, some dark blue balmain jeans and navy blue suede forces.

The both of us had on square shaped diamond studded earrings and a red polo snap back.

"Yeahh I'm planning on taking him to the park and let him play." I said and she laughed.

"Damn nigga you're planning on finding him a stepmama while you're out ain't it?" She jokes making me laugh.

"You never know who you might run into so I gotta look good ya feel me?" I said smiling, showing off my silver grill.

She quickly turned away, trying to hide her blush but I caught her ass.

"Ahaaa. Lemme find out you're attracted to a nigga." I said before walking to King and picking him up.

He groaned before literally hopping out of my arms, landing on Milyon's lap.

"Aaa aaa luh nigga you can't be all under ha today. We got plans rememba?" I stated and he stared at me before laying his head down on Milyon's chest.

Milyon laughed and I shook my head chuckling.

"You turned my son against me mane. Aye luh bruh we gotta go." I said in his face, making him turn his head.

"Damn lemme find out your breath stinks. He turned his head mighty fast." Milyon said laughing and I got in her face, licking my lips.

"Wanna find out?"

Her eyes widened before giving me King.

"Y'all should go now." She said before drinking her jungle juice and watching Maury.

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