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You wake up to see Logan opening the bathroom door with wet hair that clung to his face perfectly.
He moved to the closet, grabbing a pair of jeans you had stolen from him and slipping them on as the towel he had dropped to the floor.
"Where you off to in such hurry?" You quiestion sleepily, sitting up.
"Storm needs help teaching," He informs you, slipping on one of the shirts you had stolen aswell.
"When shall you be back?" You ask, frowning.
"Sometime around 3," He tells you, walking over to where you were and leaning down, placing a soft kiss on your lips, making you smile and hug him, kissing him once more before he moves away, slipping on a belt before leaving the room.
You hopped up out of bed, moving to the bathroom and stripping of the few articles you had on. You were done with your period which you thanked the Lord for. You despised pads.
You carefully take off the two necklaces you kept around your neck, slipping into the warm water of a shower, standing under it in an unproductive manner for about ten minutes before actually washing up and hopping out, drying off before moving out of the room and to your closet, not bothering to bring a towel.
You put on a pair of Logan's jeans, then you slipped on a dark grey T-shirt that belonged to him aswell.
You walked out of the room happily, walking down the halls.
You decided you would try and talk with someone, try to figure out how to perhaps make him more interested.
"Luna!" You say, walking quickly towards the redhead you had gotten to know well.
"Yo, what's up, girlfriend?" She pipes up, offering you a smile only she could give someone.
"I need your advice," you tell her.
"Hold up-" she replies, licking the grease off her fingers before snapping them, letting her small notepad and pen appear, floating next to her.
"Go," she says.
"I have been trying to get Logan to fuck me but it doesn't seem to be working. I don't know what it is, he seem interested until it come down to it, how do you make a man interested?"
"Boy- write down you know what, " she smirks to her notepad and pen and the feather at the end of the pen flutters as it starts jolting neat hand writing down onto the yellow paper.
"Thanks, babe," she says once it finishes, ripping off the piece of paper before it disapears.
"Go to my room, grab my phone, and look these up. Gotta go though, hun, schools about to start," she winks, handing you the piece of paper before skipping off down the halls.
You look at the piece of paper and furrow your eyebrows.
Step 1, go to my desk, pick up my phone.
Step 2, click the Internet button.
Step 3, tap on the search button and type out the letters by tapping them, then look up the things down below⬇
After each step, there was a drawing describing what you were looking for.

You walked down the hall distractedly, looking up finally once you get to her door and you open it, moving to her desk and looking at the drawing before finally finding her phone.
You tapped at it until it opened, moving to the Internet before clicking the search like instructed.

Type in: how to drive boys wild.

You follow the instructions, looking at all the things that suddenly popped up on the screen and you click the first thing like the instructions told you to do.

What Men Really Want In Bed: 10 Ways To Drive Him Wild.
That was the title of the first thing you clicked. You scrolled theough, looking through the steps.

1. It’s All About The Attitude

Guys want to have sex with a woman who is actually into it. Eagerness and enthusiasm go a long way. A lot of women have the attitude that just letting a guy have sex with her is some kind of gift, and guys hate that.

"I feel like they have this backwards," you mutter to yourself unhappily, finishing the rest of the step before moving on.

2. Make Him Feel Wanted

20,000 Words To Seducing Logan Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant