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You woke up on a hard table, not even opening your eyes you could tell it was too brihgt.

"How you feeling?" A women speaks and you open your eyes to look at the women in quieston.
"Drown," you reply tiredly. You had seen this women before, however you dint know her name.
Jean walked over to you, putting a hand on your shoulder to push you back down when yout red to get up, telling you to rest.
" What 'appond?" You ask her.
"Someone came in lastnight, apparently put a chip in yours and a few other's necks. We are still working on getting them all out..," she informs you.
"'Ow long I ben out?" You ask.
She looks you for for a second before saying, "about a day,"
"Lugan?" You quiestion.
"Asleep, it's currently midnight," she responds. "Here, stay still," she walks over to you holding a needle of some sort, making you grip the table you were on.
"It wotpnt hurt," she promises and you ease your grip slightly.
She moving it above where the black chip was and carefully dripped some of the liquid onto it. It merly felt cold.
You stayed awake for the rest of the night, unable to asleep without someone near you. Jean had left at about 3AM, leaving you alone.
"Jean said you had woken up, how are you feeling?" Logan asks.
you light up when you see him enter the room, jumping off the table and running towards him and jumping as you wrap your legs around his hips as your arms wrap around his neck.
You feel his arms wrap around your waist tightly, hugging you until you let go of him.
So excitiped, you completely forgot any human manners he had tried to tell you about and licked his cheek, making him close his eyes tightly for a second, wiping it away once you were done.
"Glad to see yout too," He jokes as you hug him again, wiggling your hips slightly as you felt yourself sliding down.
You move your face out of his neck and kiss his lips roughly like how he had before you blacked out. This seemed to take him off guard though and it took as second for him to kiss back, but he eventually did, walking unti, he got to the table where he set you down so you were sitting up on it.
After a good thrifty seconds of his lips on yours, you felt his disapear, both of you now panting.
"We can't do this," He breaths.
"We cane," you correct, reaching to kiss him again but he stops you as someone walks in.
"AM I interrupting somsthing?" Xavier asks with amusement as he rolls in.
You were pretty sure Logan teleported next to you when he heard xaviers voice.
"No, I was just checking on y/n," Logan says quickly and the professor gives him an amused but not convinced look.
"Y/n, I take it you are feeling better?" He asks and you nod. "Do you remember anything for that night?"
"I went up to get wuter, I her Lugan come true hall, he-" you stop yourself, trying to think of the English word for what you were trying to say before giving up and continuing,"sunis que, tinge nucinica li nit- ten dark (kiss me, then metal to my neck-)" yout tell him and he nods.
"What did she just say?" Logan asks uneasily. He wasn't very happy that that's when you forget how to speak in English.
"Mystique," Xavier speaks outloud.
"What did she just say?" Logan repeats himself louder.
"It's not any concern right now, Logan." Xavier shushs him.

You mostly were out that day after Jean came in saying they were gonna work know getting the chip out. That's how it went on for about two days striaght until you came back to hear that they had successfully gotten it out.
For about five days you had been working hard on your English and you knew many knew words, you had consented to being in clothes a btich more, and you had learned what was 'polite' as in not kissing everyone you meet on the lips. However you continued to do this to Logan, seeing as he didn't seem to mind.
"Y/n?" Logan speaks up as you slip into his room.
"Hiello, Lugan," you reply cheerfully, waking up to him just as he clips his belt.
"You should really knock first," He says as you walk behind him and hugged him.
"Sorey," you reply like you did almsot every morning. Every other day you would walk in without knocking and, since he took a shower almost every morning when he got up, and you generally went to see him almsot right away, you often walked in when he was dressing.
you walking infront of him and stepped on your tiptoes to wrap your arms around his neck as his went around your back. He kissed your cheek softly as you moved your head up, moving and kissing his lips. You always liked his lips better then his cheek.
He broke it off right as you grabbed his hair slightly, resting his forhead against yours and cursing under his breath.
"Lugan?" You murmur, lifting his head up.
"Hm?" He murmurs, meeting your gaze but it makes you look to the side once again.
"I wish to see outdoors," you tell him, letting go of him as you walk around his room, touching the things he had placed around it.
"Well you know where the yard is," He replies.
"Cun. I mean more," you tell him.
"Are you sure?" He questions and you nod. "What do you have in mind?"
"I not know. What you do fyor fun?" You ask and he chuckles.
"Not much fun goes on around here," He replies.
"Fine, then less go ut," you decide and he looks up at you as he throws a shirt on.
"Are you sure that's a good idea?" He asks.
"Yus," you state.
"Alright, rules. No powers, and you can go around like a wolf, society has rules," He tells you.
"Alrit," you retort, a little affected he didn't think you could do it.
"We can leave when you get a shower and change," He says and you sigh but kiss him once more and leave.
You walked to your room and striped, turning on the water and stepping in. You always used cold water, up simply becuease you were more used to it.
Washing up quickly, you stepped out of the shower and used a towel to tdpry up before using it on your hair, practically soaking the whole towel.
you change into a loose red blous
(This is what I imagined it looked like exept without it being tight at the waist)

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