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You mostly layed in the grass sleeping, but you were happy.
When you woke up after about an hour long nap, you looked around to see Logan and Storm talking, no one else around.
"Lugan!" You say happily as you changed back into your human form while running towards him.
he just had time to turn towards you before you jump and hugged him around the neck tightly, his arms flew to catch your hips by habit before he gently hugged you back. "Storm that bad?" He jokes, earning a jab in the shoulder from her.
You look up and kiss him before letting go of him and turning to storm, hugging and kissing her aswell like she hadn't been with you this whole time.
"Storm," Jean called from the door and Storm excused herself before going to see what she needed.
"You have a good time?" He asks.
"Ha-y-yus," you correct correct yourself quickly.
"Proffesiure?" You ask.
"What about him?" He questions.
"He wont?" You reply.
"Just wanted to see how you were doing," He tells you and you nod.
"Tell 'm whut?" You ask.
"You seemed to be settling in good," He responds.
"Lugan?" You speak up after I moment of silence.
"I larned to speek more enigilish," you tell him happily,
"Good. Storm teach you?" He asks.
"No," you responed. "I hair 'm speek to me."
"Who?" He asks, giving you ask confuse dlook.
"Tha Professeir," you tell him.
"What's he say?"
"I not knu, randum tings," you respond.
He gives a confused glance to the ground before looking up at you, "I'll talk to him about it."
"So kiend," you smile, lifting yourself onto your toes and kissing his lips once more, however you noticed his linger on yours a few seconds longer then usual.
"We go?" You quiestion and he nods as you take his hand, letting you lead him where you wished.
"Y/n?" He speaks up, stopping you and you look back at him with queistion.
"Uou should change into a wolf until we get back to the room," He says and you nod, letting go of his hand.
you both head down the halls until you reach you room where you change back, moving to the bed where you lay down sprawled out.
"I think it would be good if you start wearing clothes out," He speaks up and you look at him, narrowing your eyes slightly.
"It would be a good thing to get used to," He adds.
"Re quint itun que linita yi runt muko sinilintia. (It shall not be apart of that kind of system.)" You say flatly.
"What?" He quiestions.
"No." You say shortly and he sighs.
"You don't have much of a choice if you are gonna stay here," He says truthfully.
"Fu yo.(fine then.)" You growl slightly, moving up from where you layed on the bed and starting toward himself ares you continued to speak "Re sonsusa Re quint li mu ragnun yo! (I suppose I shall not live here then!)" You stop five inches from him before moving for the door. You missed your pack anyways. You wouldn't be forced to wear such a thing. They were uncomfertable and weighted you down. You refused to be somewhere where you had to do such a thing.
You change into a wolf as you go, catching the scent of the professor quickly and running to follow it.
"Re tila sho luno! (I want to leave!)" You yell at him once you changed back dpand opened the door
"What happened?" Xavier asks just as Logan comes into his view.
"onafonlam un que funic floth! (Motherfucker making me wear fake fur!) " You tell him.
"Logan what did you say?" Xavier asks, looking to him now.
"About what??" Logan asks in confusion.
"She is saying you are making her wear clothes," He clarifies.
"Obviously im not," Logan retorts, gesturing at you.
"Y/n I'm sure Logan does not want to force you into anything, take your time with it, but please try to wear it if you can," Xavier speaks to you soft and you nod, leaving the room and heading down the halls.
Logan hung back to talk with Xavier however.
You went to your room, walking over to the clothes hesitintally and picking up the shirt, slowly slipping it on.
It was a simply black shirt made of a cotton, it wasn't anything any other person would find horrifically uncomertable.
You slowly slipped on the jeans aswell. Once again, nothing outragous, just simple blue jeans.
You look down and take the small necklace out of the shirt and look at it, the small silver fire charm slightly rusty from being buried.
you sigh and go for the door, walking down the halls as you looked around distractedly. Everything in the school was so fascinating to you.
"Hey, you need help? You look a little lost," Rogue asks as she sees you.
"Lugan?" You ask.
"You need logan?" She asks and you nod.
"He might be in his room, follow me," she says sweetly, leading you down the halls beofre knocking on what you assumed to be Logan's door. However no one answered.
"He was wit Proffesiure," you speak up.
"He might've needed to talk with him then, it's best to wait for him," she informs you and you simply nod.
"Thank yo," you say an d she gives you a smile as Bobby comes down the hell calling for her, making her say a quick goodbye before heading towards him.
you head to where you had drastically seem Logan only to find he had left.
You decided to head back to your room, since you were a little lost for the moment.
You had now forgotten about the clothes however.
When you were interested he hall your room was loxated, you saw Logan exiting your room.
"Lugan!" You call out, making him look out as you pick your your pace.
"I thought you had went back to your room-" He starts but you cut him off once you stop infront of him, "I sorry, fer I actuns."
"You hungry?" He asks, brushing the whole situation off.
"No," you reply. "Wuter though. Wuter wud be niss."
"Right this way," He replies, gesturing you inside your room.
He leaves once he showed you how to work the water and showed your where the towel was, telling you he would be in his room.
Once you got out of your bath, you attempted to use the towel, however you got confused quickly and just begrudgingly put the clothes back on, which stuck to you like mad.
With almost dripping wet hair, you walked down the halls towards Logan's room.
Once you got to the door, you took a second before kncokong, remembering that's what Rogue did.
"Come in," you heard him call and you opened the door to see him grabbing a shirt but stopping to glance at you.
"Y/n your hair is still dripping," He tells you, grabbing a towel he had near him after setting the shirt down, going over to you and wrapping your hair in the towel before squeezing slightly, moving down a little more and a little more out it was all wrang out.
"I tell you, fake fiur," you tell him, seeing he didn't have a shirt on.
"It's clothes, not fur. To keep you warm," He replies and you walk up behind him, moving closer ingredients infront of him.
You gently touch his chest, running your nails across his skin, "neutral," you murmur, moving and gently taking the shirt from his grasp. "Not neutral."
You set the shirt away from him and grab his hand, leading him away from the shirt before he can grab it, moving and hopping on the bed, now on your knees as you continue scooting down so he is also on the bed on his knees before you turn around to look at him, moving forward.
" i miss neutral," you tell him, putting your hands on his shoulders.
"Natrual?" He asks you and you nod.
"Yo have claws?" You murmur, moving your hands to his hands and a bawling his hand into amfisr, gently runnin your fingers over his knuckles.
"Can I see?" You ask slowly, trying to pronounce it best you could, however your accent was still thickly carved in it.
He slowly takes out his claws and you run your fingers over then with a smile.
"Yours bigger ten mine," you speak, looking up at him.
You move up and softly kiss his lips as you hear him put his claws away.
He pulled away after you didn't, looking at your eyes, making you look to the side, avoiding his gaze.
"Night?" You quiestion, yawning.
"Sure," He replies and you lay down, curling into him as he lays down next to you.
You close your eyes peacefully, nearly asleep when you feel him gently wrap a arm around you.
When you woke, it was the middle of the night and Logan was passed out.
You slip out of his embrace to go find water in the ktichen where he had told you you could get some if you needed to you.
You felt him shift when you got up, but didn't seem to wake up.
You slept out the door, going down the dark halls until you got to the kitchen where you opened the foset and drank form the sink., only looking up when you heard footsteps which made you turn a round, however you went back to drinking when you noticed it was only Logan coming into the room.
"I tought you night?" You quiestioned as you turned around to look at him but he so didn't speak, he merly picked you up by your waist and mashed his lips to yours, the action suprised you but you definitally didn't mind, and you let your hands go to his neck . Deepen the kiss when you suddenly felt something touch your neck. It was metal almost. You felt something dig into your skin which made you yelp before evey rhting went black.

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