#27: Pregnant in Event

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You had just gotten your hair done, a curly updo with a few strands hanging down. You're make up- also done- is finished and now you are back at your house. All of the boys are at your house, as well as the girls. Lou is also there, fixing up the boys. You put your dress on, it was a long teal, glittery dress. You had Louis zip up the back, and he kissed your shoulder. You smiled, and turned around. Your bump was right in the middle of the two of you, touching Louis. He put his hands on both sides,"You look beautiful," he said. "Thank you, I squeezed into this dress. I'm surprised it fit," you smiled. Pretty much everything you buy in advance never fits because you outgrow it. "Are you comfortable? We don't have to go," he worries. "Lou, it's okay, we're okay," you rest your hand on your bump. You both walked down stairs to find everyone ready. "Looking good Y/N," all the girls cheer. You felt your baby kick, and you grabbed Perrie's hand and placed it on the spot where the tapping was happening. You smoothed over you dress to see the movements, and it was all worth it for your little guy.


"Babe, are you comfortable? Need anything?" Liam asks as you guys are walking down the red carpet. "No Li, I'm fine. He's just kicking is all," you giggle. Liam smiles proudly, and puts his hand on the small of your back, the other on your belly. You smile, the fabric of your long dress sways. You guys move on, talking to some fans. You could still feel him moving, and so could Liam. His smile got a little bigger, and he went to talk to some fans. You stayed put and also talked to some other fans and to people who were asking you questions. They were mainly about your baby, and you were happy to answer them. "When are you due!?" Someone shouted. "My due date is in June," you said, and placed a hand underneath your bump. After you were done, you both made your way inside together, the boys winning every award they were nominated for.


You were in the limo with Niall and the other boys, and their wives. You were having an emotional moment, when you realized how proud you were of Niall. Your hormones took over, causing tears to spill over in your eyes. Niall looked over, smiling at you. It immediately dropped after he saw the tears running down your cheeks. "Darling? What's wrong?" He asks, using the pad of his thumb. "I'm just, so proud of you, but I didn't mean to cry," you say, wiping the tears away and weakly smiling. He chuckles,"It's okay, babe. It's not your fault." He kisses your forehead. He put his hand on the side of your belly, and rubbed it a little bit, causing Noel to start moving. "She's already a daddy's girl," you giggled. He smiled widely, and his eyes sparkled. You could tell he already loved your bay more than anything on the world.


"I swear Styles, you better win these awards," you say. It was just not a good day for you. First, the babies would not stop moving all night, and you couldn't get that much sleep. And then, your dress almost didn't fit, but luckily Harry got it up. "If you are really that uncomfortable then we can go home," Harry said, worry in his eyes. Your facial expression immediately softened. "No, Layla just keeps moving and adjusting," you say, putting a hand on the right side of your stomach to ease the kicks. "She's just stretching," you say. "Are you sure? We can go home," he says, and put his hands on both side of your protruding belly. Layla stopped, and you sighed of relief. "No, no, I guess she just wanted her father," you say, and you straightened your dress. "You look absolutely beautiful," he says, and kisses your temple. "I better, and if I don't able it on your children," you smirk, grabbing his hand. "Our children," he mumbles.


Your hair was curled, make up on, and you looked perfect. Except, one thing, the dress. You slipped it on, and walked to Zayn to have him zip it up. He tried zipping it several times, but it just would go up all the way. "I knew this would happen," you sighed. "Wait a second," Zayn said, and pulled your dress up a little bit. He then zipped it right up. "Wowwwww," you say, and giggle, patting Zayn's head. You give him a quick kiss, and put your shoes on. You heard the limo honk, and mad you way down the stairs, Zayn right behind you. "These kids are really getting in the way," you smile. "It will be worth it when they are here," he whispered, and put his hands on both sides of your bump. "Right? So stop causing your my trouble, yeah?" He says as he kneeled down in front of you, and kissed right above your belly button.

A/N: sorry😷😷 these are so bad. So anyways.

It has been so long and I am so sorry. HAPPY SUMMER. I got out of school last week so I'm gonna start posting every two days.

Also, which pref would you like next?

- How you sleep


- Interview (which basically is where he talks about you in an interview)


Thanks for reading!!

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