#14: Hormonal Arguments

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"Hi Lou," you said as he walked into the kitchen. "Hey," he says cheerfully. "How was your day?" you ask, putting the dinner you made on two plates. "Pretty good, got a lot done," he asks. You smile, happy for your husband and the guys. "That's good, here's your plate," you say, turning around to give him the pasta. "That's okay, I'm just gonna find something else. Not really in the mood for pasta," he says, opening he refrigerator. "Are you kidding me?" You ask, putting the plate down in the counter. "What?" He asks, looking behind different things for something to eat. "I made sure to have dinner ready for you when you got home, and you don't even appreciate it Lou." He sighs, he should've just eaten the pasta. "Okay, you're right, I'll eat it. I'm sorry babe," he says, taking the plate of the counter. You smirk, happy that you got your way. "Thank you." "I do appreciate you, Y/N. Everything you do. You're carrying our child, and I will be forever grateful for that."


"Liam?" You asked as you made your way into the living room. He just sat there. "Li?" You said again. "Yeah babe?" "Can't you please do something? You've been sitting here for two hours," you say, worked up because you've been cleaning the house all day. Liam sighs, knowing that this is from the mods swings. "Y/N, I'm watching the game, can I please finish it?" He asks, trying not to make you anymore mad. "Seriously? You know what, fine, do whatever you want. I'm going upstairs." You say, turning around. Once you're in your room, you sit on the bed. No matter how much you try to hold them in, tears still make their way down your face. You don't really know why you're getting so upset, but it's really getting to you. "Y/N, baby," Liam says, squaring in front of you, taking your hands. "I'm so sorry, how about tomorrow, you can relax and I'll do whatever needs to be done around here?" He says. "You smile a little, and nod. "I'm sorry Li," you say, taking your hand out of his to wipe your tears. "No, no, don't be sorry, this is my fault," he says, kissing your forehead as he stands up. He helps you in bed, and he makes sure that his promise is fulfilled the next day.


"Niall!" You squeeled as he came through the door. "Hi princess," he kissed you, and then your baby bump. "How are my two baby girls?" He asked. "Very good, now that you're home," you say, kissing his lips. "About that, babe. The guys asked me if I wanted to go out tonight, so I told them yes." He said. "But, you just got home," you said. "I know, but I'm going out with them now, I'll see you later." He said, kissing you goodbye, again. "Niall," you said as he left again, and the door closes. You missed him all day, and now he just leaves again. You sat on the couch, very slowly, and started to watch t.v again. You fell asleep, crying. When you woke up, you felt someone underneath you. "Niall?" You whispered. "Yeah babe?" "Can we please have a day in tomorrow, just the two of us?" "Sure," he smiles,"I love you." "I love you too."


"Baby?" Harry whispered. You were both in bed, you sleeping, and Harry just woke up. You were laying on him, and the babies were moving. A lot. "Y/N," Harry tapped you. He didn't know that you just fell asleep. You haven't been sleeping a lot lately, because of the babies. "Harry?" You whispered, your voice scratchy and your hair stuck to your face. "Can you get off me? The babies are kicking, and their not letting me go to sleep when I can feel them." He said. "But this is the only way I can go to sleep," you said. "Well I can't, so get off." He said, and you scooted over. Now that you were awake, you couldn't go back to sleep. Just your luck, you had gotten twenty minutes if sleep. You laid there for hours, not falling asleep. Finally, at ten in the morning, Harry woke up. "Hi baby," he said, and smiled. You were angry, so you just got up and got in the shower, got dressed, and went downstairs making breakfast for yourself. "What's wrong?" Harry asked. "Did you know, that I only got twenty minutes of sleep last night, because the father of these babies woke me up and made me get off of him last night?" You said. His face dropped. "Y/N, I didn't know." He said. "That's the only WAY I CAN FALL ASLEEP." You yelled. "Shh, baby, I'm so sorry. He said. He lead you back to the bedroom, undressed you and put you back into some pajamas, and got into bed with you, pulling you on top off him. You sighed, and fell back asleep. He laid there wide awake, but that didn't matter, because he would do anything for you.


You were on the couch, your back was hurting very bad lately. Your bump had grown two times bigger in the last week, so that's why. "Hi boo, you wanna go somewhere with me?" He asked. "Sure, but can you rub my back first? It's hurting so bad lately", you said, patting your bump. "No, come on. I'm super bored." he said, and began to get his jacket. "Alright," you whispered. After you put your jacket on, he went outside, and you his hit into the car, you wincing as you sat down. when you got to the park, you saw the boys, Eleanor, and Danielle. "Hi guys," you said as you waddled over to them as Zayn ran off with the boys. "Hi Y/N! How's my niece and nephew doing?" Eleanor asked. "Good, but my back hurts." You said, as you sat on the blanket they were sat on, wincing again, and Danielle was quick to get up, helping you sit down. "Thank you, Zayn wouldn't even have done that." You said. They looked at you confused, until you told them everything about your back. "Seriously?" Eleanor said. You nod, and sigh. When the boys are finished, the girls all give you s hug before you leave. Once you make it home, Zayn tried to be all cuddly. You shrugged him off. "What's wrong?" He asked. "What did I do?" You roll your eyes,"Seriously Zayn? I asked you to rub my back for like two minutes, because it's hurting really bad, and you were being rude about it!" You say, raising your voice slightly. She realizes what he said earlier, suddenly feeling pretty guilty. "Oh baby," he says, pulling you closer to him. "I am so sorry." "I forgive you, I guess," you say, staring at the ground. He smiles,kissing you on the cheek. "How about that back rub now?"

A/N: I pretty much redid this whole thing because the ones I had written before were horrible.

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