Chapter 24

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Dedicated 2 SorrowButSmile! She's got a SasuSaku fanfic of her own! Apparently my fanfic was the first one she's ever read! Thanks so much for being so awesome!


If you've stuck to this story all this time......Thank you. So much. It means more than u could imagine.

Dear fans, just because this stories over doesn't mean u should stop reading my work! If y'all love me then please read my other stories!


"Sakura? Sakura, wait up!"

There's something about the last few minutes that make them feel like they were much longer than 60 seconds. There was something about the last few yards that felt like they were at least ten times longer than they usually were.

They weren't going any slower than usual. They moved at the same pace as they did the entire time. Yet it seemed like everyone was moving considerably slow, as if on purpose just to make the last few minutes even more tedious.

"Guess she's excited." Shikamaru commented, watching Naruto chase after the pinkette yelling at the girl to move slower.

"Can you blame her? She hasn't been at the village for months!" Ino nagged. "It would be weird if she WASN'T excited!"

Kakashi turned his head to the side where Sasuke was. He seemed to be having the complete opposite reaction to Sakura's. He was purposely lagging back, his feet moving slower than everyone else's. Kakashi guessed it was understandable for him to be dreading his return to the village. After all, he didn't really know what was to happen to him once they got there.

"Sakura! Lemme catch up with you!" Naruto whined. "You're moving too fast!" You would never have guessed the girl had once been held captive not even 24 hours ago.

"Naruto, it's fine. We're here." Kakashi motioned with his chin at the gate in the entrance.

A wide grin spread across the kunochi's face. The only thing that stood in her way now was that one gate.

At the mere sight of the pinkette and her companions who tracked behind her, the gate keepers immediately recognized them and opened the gate.

She froze. Her shoulders became stiff, her hands limp at her sides. Her pupils were dilated and the only movement she made was the rise and fall of her chest when she breathed. A gust of wind suddenly blew by, blowing leaves everywhere. A few hit her but she didn't even flinch. Her bright pink hair danced around her head, tickling the sides of her face.

Naruto, being the ignorant boy he was, didn't notice this, in fact he misunderstood it and thought she stopped so he could catch up. He knocked into her, laughing. "Finally caught up to you!"

She blinked, snapping out of her trance. "Yeah." Shaking her head, the grin reformed on her pink lips. "Let's get going!"

Obito's one eye narrowed, and he turned to Kakashi, speaking in a hushed tone. "You saw that, right?"

Kakashi nodded. With this confirmation, Obito turned around. "There's something I have to do."

Kakashi knew exactly what he meant. "Wait." Obito turned to his erstwhile teammate, one eyebrow risen. "Will you come back?"

Obito sighed, turning away again. "I think you know the answer to that."

Kakashi didn't stop him.

The villagers passing by greeted the Kunochi happily, offering her warm welcoming smiles which she returned. Her teammates were smiling along with her, everyone was glad to see her. But Kakashi wasn't laughing; he observed her with his one good eye, calculating her every move. Her behaivior was normal, as was her appearance, but her smile seemed fake to him. Something was

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