Chapter 9

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Im uploading SasukeXSakura 1shot 2morrow! It's complete! Keep an eye out 4 it, I spent a while writing it! It's gona b called What Could Have Been! Gimme feedback PLZ!

Ima mention my new fans and write my skit at the END of my chappys k!

Read my new stry later!!!


Sasuke took a deep, soundless breath.

He was completely immobile. Air went into his mouth and carbon dioxide went out. His heart beated and his pulse went at a steady pace. Blood rushed through his capillaries and came back through his veins. All movements he had no control over. But besides those, he was still.

He felt the chakura flow through his body through his capillaries and concentrated solely on that. Directing his chakura at certain parts of his body with close precision, his mind gradually turned blank.

"Sa-oh, sorry, didn't know you were meditating."

Sasuke gritted his teeth. She knew very well he was meditating! She sensed his chakura! But she's been doing stuff like this since they came back.

She was trying to talk to him. He stuck close to Orochimaru so she wouldn't say anything but she was trying to use every moment he wasn't with the snake Sannin to try and comfront him.

She thought there was good in him. Because of his stupid mistake she was deluding herself into believing that he wasn't bad.

She was acting so foolish.

She saw his anger and sighed. "You know why your not talking to me? Because your afraid that you still care about me."

His eyes flashed red and he suddenly appeared in front of her. "Afraid? I don't get afraid."

She crossed her arms in front of her chest and looked up at his glowering face. "Then what would you call how your feeling? You are too damn stubborn to admit that you still care about me and our teammates!"

"They are not my teammates. And you can drop dead for all I care." he said lethally, neither truth or dishonesty in his voice therefore making it hard for Sakura to know if he meant it or not.

Okay, well that was a pretty hard blow to the chest. She almost believed him there. Almost.

"Then why did you save my life?"

That was the question they were both trying to answer. Why DID he save her life? Orochimaru wouldn't have suffered from his deal with Tsunade since he didn't have control over the man's actions. If Sakura was killed by that guy nothing would have happened. And Sasuke knew that.

So why did he pull out his own sword and kill the swordman?

His glare intensified and fury was clear as day in his eyes. "Get. Out."

Knowing her words had done their purpose, she soundlessly closed the door and left to go to her room.

Sasuke stared at the closed door.

"You are weak."

His hand curled into a fist.

"And you are weak because you don't have enough hate."

He was still weak, damnnit! He was in this wretched place for three years and he still wasn't strong enough! He's been surrounded by anger and hatred all the time yet he still didn't have enough hate!

"You are weak."

Before, in Konoha, he thought he was ready! He thought he was strong! He charged at his brother thinking that he would actually be able to kill him but failed! All that time he thought he was strong! Strong enough to kill Itachi!

One More Chance (Naruto Fanfic) (SasukeXSakura) (COMPLETE!)Where stories live. Discover now