Chapter 11

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So this WON'T b like the real thing. Here's y:

In the magna he was planning it 4 a while so he already knew who 2 b in his team. He just realized he didn't want Orochimaru to take his body so he never had time 2 think of who he wanted 2 come with him 2 kill Itachi!

2. This is B4 he planned 2 kill Oro! I mean that in the magna Oro was ready 2 take his body but here it's 2 early! So this is b4 he thinks bout killing Oro! Sakura made him decide earlier! If it wasnt 4 her he wood have decided l8er on!

Makes sense?

So his team in the magna won't b in this stry! I wood have put them in but then i'd b copying Ripples By YellowMask! But they won't b going alone;) I got a surprise character in here!


A weak smile formed on Tsunade's lips when she saw the group approach her. "I'm guessing your not here to check up on me."

She was determined not to let them see how totally, completely, utterly exhausted she felt. She had little to no energy and chakura. That sorta happens when you get your stomach pumped.

She watched with secret satisfaction as all their faces softened. "How are you?" Kakashi asked.

She waved her hand carelessly. "Oh, I'm fine. A little upset that I can't drink my sake for a while but I'm not physically hurt." she lied. It felt like she just imploded and had her insides smushed back together messily. Yeah, disgusting.

They looked a little dubious but decided to go with it. "Do you remember anything about who was near you when you started feeling sick?" Naruto interrogated.

She rolled her eyes. "The ANBU already asked me everything about that night. You want to know what happened, ask them."

Naruto crossed his arms stubbornly. "The ANBU doesn't know you like we do. It's different. Just tell us what happened."

She sighed. "It's not very helpful. I was stoned. I just remember some guy dressed in black came and left really fast. That's pretty much it."

Being the optimist he was, Naruto smiled happily. "That's something! So it was a guy!"

The female blonde frowned. "It could have been a girl."

Naruto sweatdropped. "How are we gonna find him then?!?!"

Kakashi rolled his visible eye at the boy's childish whines. "Do you remember anything else? How did he walk? Did he seem like a ninja to you?"

She bit her lip and thought hard, attempting to recall the fuzzy memory. "He was graceful and fast. I don't think he was just some random enemy. He might have been a ninja."

Naruto's eyes widened. "So who could it have been?!?"

Tsunade rolled her eyes. "Do you really think I know? The ANBU is sending a team to enter my mind and try to find who did this. Now would you guys mind leaving? I'm a little tired.


"Ah, your finally here."

Due to the fact that he was ill for quite a while, his room already consisted of things found in a usual hospital room. Dobutamine was a medication that was to be transferred through an IV that was already a few feet from his bed.

Not having a response to his odd greeting, Sakura merely nodded and lifted the medication so he could see it.

"I'm going to have to hook you up to an IV." she informed him, about to put the thin needle into his arm before he snatched it from her.

One More Chance (Naruto Fanfic) (SasukeXSakura) (COMPLETE!)Where stories live. Discover now