Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

dedicated to SafireAndDiamonds for forcing me to upload xD An awesome fan! She has her own story with her own skits that you all should totally check out! Shes a great writer and she's so funny xD

short again, but I'm 2 lazy 2 make it better!

READ MY OTHER STORIES SINCE THIS IS ENDING SOON! "His Puppet" "Ghostly Love" and "Unavoidable Affection" r my current stories and if y'all read I'll RLY appreciate it!


She was alone now. Floating around in her mind, unsure how to leave the state she was in now that Madara was gone. The Sharingan eyes were gone, replaced by pure darkness.

In a way, she sorta liked it though. After the constant booming of Madara's voice, silence was a nice change.

But she knew she couldn't stay long. She had to get out, if only she knew how. She was tired and weary after the tedious experience of almost being hypnotized.

But suddenly, in her mini-world of darkness, she saw a light. Intrigued, she went to it. And once she did, she felt this faint but pleasurable pressure on her lips and the warmth of someone else's close proximity. Her eyes fluttered open groggily, and the first thing she saw was Sasuke. He was so close, he took up most of her field of view. A smudge of blood was on his forehead and he had bruises, indicating he recently had a fight.

But that wasn't just it. He was the pressure on her lips. He was the one kissing her.

Jerking back abruptly, she managed to exclaim his name in surprise. His eyes, which were closed, snapped open and he looked like a deer caught in the headlights. He stared at her for a few seconds, waiting for her to do or say something. But she didn't speak a single word, she merely stood and waited for him to give some sort of explanation.

Why was he kissing her?!? Could he have been giving her CPR?!? But there was a faint blush dusted across his cheeks, and she had a feeling it wasn't CPR. And it wasn't just him who was blushing, she must have looked like a tomato right now.

"Come on," Sasuke suddenly said. "Let's get going." He turned around sharply and started walking towards the exit.

Sakura stared at his back in disbelief. Was he actually going to pretend nothing happened? Stupid Uchiha!

She marched towards him and took a handful of his shirt, jerking him around to face her. His hand shot out and took hold of her wrist, removing it from his clothes. The Uchiha had successfully lost his blush and restored his facial expression to its normal stoic-ness.

"What just happened?!?" the pink-haired kunoichi demanded to know.

"SAKURA-CHAN! You're safe!" Naruto, who had burst the door open, came running towards her and attacked her with an extremely tight embrace. Them again, could the blonde be blamed? It's been so long since he saw Sakura, he missed her dearly.

Kakashi calmly followed Naruto inside the room and clasped a metal-plated gloved-hand on Sasuke's shoulder. A small spark of pain struck him from a previous injury during his fight with Itachi but he didn't say anything. "I saw him outside. Good job." He was obviously referring to Itachi's corpse.

Sasuke nodded a thank you. "So what will you do next?" Kakashi asked.

"How was it!?! Did teme hurt you? Did the Akatsuki hurt you?!? Are you okay?!?" The energetic blonde just about interrogated the pinkette.

Sakura nodded and laughed. "I'm fine, Naruto. No need to worry. So how have you been?"

His baby-blue eyes lit up with happiness. "I'm glad you asked! Well, Ichiraku got this new flavor of ramen -"

One More Chance (Naruto Fanfic) (SasukeXSakura) (COMPLETE!)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن