Chapter 12

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Kinda sucky, but pretty important!


The little girl was the only thing on Sakura's mind as she raced to retrieve her.

"Where are we going?" Sasuke inquired, annoyance obvious in his tone.

But she ignored him as she tugged him along, not even sparing him a second glance.

Empty, empty, empty! Which room was it!?!?!

Wait! She could search for chakra signatures!

There it was! She yanked open the door and pulled Sasuke inside with her. Now where was she? Sakura looked around. Wait, where was Tasuo?

"HELP!!" several voices pleaded desperately.

She looked at all of their now hope-filled faces. Looks like she was saving more than one person today.

She grabbed the lock that forced them into the cell but before she could even yank it off with her amazing strength, Sasuke grabbed her wrist. "Wait."

He turned towards the prisoners. "We will free you under one condition. You can't let anyone know that Orochimaru is dead."

No one could know of Orochimaru's demise. If the Leaf Village ever caught wind that Orochimaru was dead and he kept Sakura with him to help him they'd come after him. And the last thing he needed was another problem to get in the way of his goal.

After hearing all their jovial 'yes's he let go of her arm and she yanked it off. "Wait, have any of you guys seen a little girl?"

"The eye-patched man took her into another room to be tested," a man with bandages wrapped around his wrists and ankles informed her, gracious to be finally freed.

Panic crossed her soft features and she dragged a peeved-off Uchiha along with her in her panic-driven hurry to save the child.

Flinging the door open, she pulled out a kunai from her thigh holster and held it up. But she instantly lowered her hand when she noticed the nearly barren room. The only thing in the entire place was the little girl, tears leaking out of her eyes.

She rushed to the child's side and began rubbing soothing circles on her back to calm her. "It's's over now..." she muttered.

Sasuke, who now stood leaning against the doorframe, watched her with an odd feeling forming in him. Seeing Sakura how she used to be, caring and compassionate, brought back unwanted memories. She always was good with children.

Sasuke always admired that about her since she was bullied when she was younger. She saw how cruel children could be but she never even considered it when she was with them.

This quality - this sympathetic, benevolent quality - was something Sasuke could never posses. He'd never be like this. He somehow was when he was a child but that was before he even understood the concept of death.

But him and Sakura would always be opposites. She was an unconditionally kind woman with a big heart and he was a paranoid cold-blooded killer who only did things as long as they benefited him.

He didn't know exactly why he brought her. He could've just snatched a medic from a Sound hospital instead. That actually would have been better because at least a medic from the Sound would be scared of him and be docile. Sakura wasn't afraid to piss him off and took every chance she could get to bother him. But he just didn't want to lose her yet.

One More Chance (Naruto Fanfic) (SasukeXSakura) (COMPLETE!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora