Chapter 19

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A whopping 15 votes till the nxt chap! I don't think we'll ever reach that, but a gal can hope!

So, this will b the last upload in a while! This is on a 1 or 2 week hold, I'm focusing in my other Naruto fanfic rite now! It's getting exciting now n imwood appreciate it if u guys read it 2! I'm onlymotivated 2 write that stry!

Dedicated 2 AlicaDark! Srry 4 taking o lomg 2 dedicate it 2 ya! Hey guys, she's got an epic Naruto fanfic! Ehz rly unique! It's a NejiXTenTen, the ONLY 1 on Wattpad! Her writing abilities surpass mine by a lot and I'm rly surprised she's not famous!

She had to be here, she must be! The Akatsuki couldn't have already left! She must be okay!

He ran through the empty hideout, his footsteps echoing loudly in the barren space. A colossal statue with many eyes was the only thing in the room. "Sakura!" he shouted 'Answer me you annoying fangirl!' he thought desperately.

The all-too-familiar scent of death hung in the air and it nauseated Sasuke's stomach that had hordes of butterflies thrashing around. Please don't let her be dead!

The place was pitch dark and Sasuke had to activate his Sharingan to see through the heavy darkness. He spotted a put-out torch and felt the top. It was still warm! They just left! He still had a chance!

"Sasuke!" the voice he had been yearning for cried out. She was still here! And she was okay!

"Sakura!" he replied, running towards the voice he heard.

"Sasuke," a cold voice spoke. A cood familiar voice that sent chills down his back.

"Itachi!" he exclaimed, staring flabbergasted at the man he was aiming to kill who stood right behind Sakura. (wat is dis? Da name game? Lol I just noticed sum shows do that!)

Itachi's eyes were stony and impassive as he gazed at Sasuke, those crimson Sharingan eyes practically staring through his very soul. Sakura stood in front of him, her face a picture of pain and fear, and that's when he noticed the blade touching the smooth, unscathed skin of her delicate neck.

"Sasu-" she was cut off by the kunai slicing into her neck.


And that stoic face changed, Itachi's mouth that was previously set in a straight line curved, the corners of his mouth going up slightly as he deviously smiled.

*** (xD dream ending!)

"Sakura!" Sasuke didn't shout or scream; he merely said her name.

The huge snake, who was keeping guard during the night and making sure the man sent by Itachi wouldn't escape, raised its head.

The wildlife in the area shifted slightly farther from the area he slept in at the sound of his voice. The crickets playing their lovely smooth song momentarily paused in curiosity but when he spoke no more they resumed. An owl in a tree not too far away from them hooted.

That definitely didn't happen. Trying to separate dream from reality, Sasuke recalled yesterday's events. Once they caught the intruder and he explained what he was doing, Sasuke had decided he would guide them to the Akatsuki hideout. Those red and black cloaks were hard to miss and were definitely visible from high up.

The man was scared out of his wits, so Sasuke was sure he was telling the truth. What he told them was this: Itachi came to a small town in the Sound village and asked for someone skilled in transformation. He threatened them not to tell anyone and if someone did he had his sources that would tell him. Since no one could trust each other, none of them knew who could be working for the Akatsuki. When Itachi mentioned the short task had a nigh profit, this man volunteered instantly. What he was to do was steal the letters being exchanged between the Leaf Village and Orochimaru and give them to Itachi .

One More Chance (Naruto Fanfic) (SasukeXSakura) (COMPLETE!)Where stories live. Discover now