Chapter 16

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That was all that filled the air. Total, utter silence. It was awkward for Sakura but she didn't know how it was for the others.

"You brought me......" Pein began, his deep voice breaking the silence like a bucket of ice cold water spilling on someone.

"Orochimaru's medic? I sent you to get a medic and out of all the medics out there you brought me one of the most important medics of this time?"

As odd as it sounded, actual fear appeared in Kisame's usually cocky eyes. "I didn't know! She was-"

"Do you have any idea how important she is right now? Konoha and Orochimaru need this girl and you brought the most-wanted person here?"

"Itachi-" Kisame began but he was cut off again.

"If they find out that she's here they'll all come here." Pein said, his face unreadable as he stared at the blue man.

Sakura watched Kisame slighty cringe and wondered what was going to happen. What does the Akatsuki do to the members who messed up? Torture them?

" perfect."

Everyone, even Sakura, stared at him incredulously. Even Itachis eyes widened. "What?" Kisame asked.

Pein nodded. "We can use this to an advantage. Instead of going to the enemy, the enemy will come to us. This is better for us because they're coming to the land we know. They know their village inside out. They're at a disadvantage without knowing about the land. We'll be ready for them."

"But what about that creepy Orochimaru? We can't handle him AND the Leaf Village! He'll kill us with his slimy snakes!" Tobi exclaimed.

"He's dead."

Deidara blinked. "How do you know that, un?"

Pein stared at Sakura, making shivers run down her back by the intensity of his gaze. "Orochimaru is possessive of his things. By now he would have come to take her back. Only death would stop him from getting back what was his."

Sakura hated how he talked of her like she was some pawn. Like she was just a piece on the chessboard. She was important, but only for her abilities.

Kisame crossed his arms and raised his head. "I knew that all along! I told you guys that taking her would be smart!"

Hm, seems that the Akatsuki were only impressive with their fighting skills. But their personalities were pretty childish.

Tobi started bouncing, excited. "Yay! Now Tobi can have someone to play with! Konan's a mean lady but the new girl will be Tobi's new best friend! We can braid each others hair, and give each other makeovers, and tell each other secrets, and-"

"Itachi, Kisame, you'll be in charge of her." Pein commanded, not even sparing the orange masked man a second glance.

Tobi frowned. "But Tobi's a good boy! He deserves a friend!"

Pein's dull-but very powerful- eyes bore into Sakura. "I expect you to behave or else there will be very..........undesirable consequences."

Sakura didn't want to know what those undesirable consequences were.

"You two can take her into one of your rooms. Make sure there's no way she can escape."

Sakura didn't know which one would be worse. Having to stay with the short-tempered creepy blue guy with the highly dangerous sword or staying in the room of her erstwhile teammates's brother who murdered hus entire clan without a twinge of guilt.

One More Chance (Naruto Fanfic) (SasukeXSakura) (COMPLETE!)Where stories live. Discover now