Chapter 6

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So it's my bat mitzvah nxt month! A bat mitzvah is this Jewish thing when u read the Torah wen u become 13! (yes, im 12 turning 13) It takes loads of time practicing so I don't have time 2 write. I might take a 2 or 3 week break from this website.......but I might if I get high on the Fan Fiction list. So vote! Comment! Add 2 ur library! PLZ!!!!




Me: Itachi, I have a question.

Itachi: .......what?

Me: When do you anime people go to the bathroom? I never c sum1 leave 2 go!

Itachi: 0-o........y do u need 2 kno that?

Me: Cuz! Evry stalker needs 2 kno wen the stalkeree goes 2 the BR!

Itachi: .........PLZ get away from me


Red_Ray_: ITACHI!!!!!

Itachi: SOS*runs away*

If u wana Itachi hug fan me! O and if u wana b in my lil show thingy then comment!

O and a lil smarty talk here! Just go along with it, I tried 2 explain it the best I can! I don't kno if this is all right cuz I'm 13 and not a doctor but this is all I kno bout the medicine! May b incorrect!



A special medication that stimulates the heart and makes it think that it is actually exercising. Side effects included severe allergic reactions, swelling, chest pain, fainting, dizziness, and most importantly, tachycardia.

She found it! She found a way to get the blood to Orochimaru's arms. And it only took three days, even though Kabuto's research was for three years without a cure.

This brought her a little pride and satisfaction but she mostly felt upset. If only she never found a cure! The deal was that if Orochimaru asked her for the cure then she would have to tell him. But if he didn't ask, she didn't have to tell him. But he brought her here to find the cure, so he'll eventually ask her!

Unfortunately - well, fortunately for Orochimaru - dobutamine could be found in any hospital. So there would be a high supply everywhere.

Sakura winced and forced herself not to yelp when hot wax dripped from the candle onto her hand. Hasn't Orochimaru ever heard of light bulbs? The whole damn place was kept lit by candles! And since no one came into the library there were no candles so she had to bring her own! One day Orochimaru was going to run out of candles and be stuck in total darkness! She hoped that wouldn't happen when she was there.

The sound of footsteps echoed through what Sakura thought to be the deserted room and she froze. The sound came from her left and she prudently peeked behind the dusty bookshelf to see who made the sound. It seemed no one ever came in here, for there was a thin layer of dust powdering all the books.

She wiped her dust-covered hands on her skirt with disgust before turning her attention to the person.

In case it was a ninja - it probably was though, for why would Orochimaru have regular people roaming the place?- she hid her chakra signature carefully.

To her distaste, it was the eye-patched man. He flipped through a book impatiently, his one blue eye gleaming maliciously when it landed on one of the pages.

She strained her eyes to read the title and inwardly gasped. 'The Human Heart: Myths And Hypotheses.' But that wasn't the shocking thing. The shocking thing was the chapter he opened up to.

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