Ch. 14 Pursuing the Persuader

Start from the beginning

"Solte-me!" He said, but Avi didn't listen and put a hand on his neck.

"You're not getting away this time." Avi told him, and they pouted as he picked them up and held onto him.

"How did you know where I was?" He demanded, and Avi chuckled.

"Wouldn't you like to know." He said with a smirk, mimicking his words from earlier.

He glared up at Avi and before he could say anything, he heard footsteps getting closer to them. He started to panic a bit when forced himself to calm down. He could still get out of this. Taking a deep breath, he let his bangs fall in front of his face. Concentrating hard, he gave a little sniffle.

"Ow..." He said in a small voice, and Avi looked at him for a brief moment.

That was all it took. When he glanced up at the slightly taller man, he made his eyes fill with tears. The moment they locked eyes, Avi's gaze immediately softened.


"Are- Are you okay?" Avi questioned hesitantly, and he shook his head.

"No... you're holding my wrist too tight. It really hurts." He said, sniffing again.

Avi didn't know what to do. On one hand, they were supposed to catch this guy, and he did. But on the other hand, he was hurting him, and he didn't like hurting people.

"Could you maybe loosen your grip? Just a little?" He asked, keeping their eyes locked.

Avi was having an internal battle with himself. He knew that if he loosened his grip, then they could get away. As hard as it was to catch him today, he knew no one would be able to find him again. But looking into his pleading eyes, Avi found himself unable to control his movements and he slowly started to loosen his grip. Before he completely let go, a loud voice rang out in the silence.

"AVI!!!" Kirstie yelled as she saw him, and her voice snapped him out of the trance.

He quickly tightened his grip before the man could slip away. Angry that she interrupted them before he could get away, they started pulling their arm as hard as they could. He used both hands to try and get free as Kirstie and Kevin caught up to them. Avi only held on tighter as they tried to get away, yelling curses in both English and Portuguese. Overall, the way he was acting reminded Avi of a small child having a temper tantrum.

"Acalme-se!" Kevin told him, and he stopped pulling and glared at him.

"Não me diga para me acalmar!!!" He spat, and continued struggling against Avi's iron grip.

"We just want to talk to you, we know you can help us." Kirstie told him.

"You don't know anything about me!" He yelled finally snatching his arm free, but Avi quickly grabbed it again.

"Your name is Mitchell Coby Michael Grassi, you're 23 years old, you're half Italian, when you were little you were separated from your family and somehow found yourself living here. You grew up in fear until you discovered you could manipulate people to do what you wanted. Then you turned to a life of crime, destroying property, stealing valuables, picking pockets, and things like that. You never got caught, and when you did you would just have them let you go, you love Starbucks coffee, you can't eat gluten, and you love the tv show Spongebob Squarepants. Is that enough or shall I continue?" Avi asked him.

His face went pale and he went completely still. After staring at Avi for what seemed like forever, he finally broke the silence.

"H-How did you know that?" He asked, his voice shaking a bit.

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