A c-couple

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Ello minna-San new chapter for you hehe well anyways I don't own fairytail or any of its characters ~love always mews(≧∇≦)


Lucy triedly walked in the house rouge and the exceeds following, slowly taking her shoes and cloak off she made her way towards the bathroom. " calling dibs on the bath" she said walking in the bathroom and shutting the door behind her, quickly turning on the water to warm. Rouge smiled tiredly and walked into his room laying down on his black sheets fro following and curling up next to him " fro's tired" frosh said yawning. " me to fro" rouge stated sleepily drifting off into a soundless sleep. Lucy stopped the water in and stripped off her clothes sighing happily as she Sat in the warm tub her muscles relaxing. Joy sat in Lucy's room reading a book about flowers, her white sundress tucked under her as she laid down reading the book. Lucy grabbed her shampoo and squeezed some in her hands quickly lathering it in her hair, rinsing it off and finishing cleaning her hair and body

Letting her self relax some more in the water. As rouge dozed off for about ten minutes he opened his eyes and groaned his head pounding from a head ache, groggily standing up he headed towards the bath room slowly turning the nob and walking in on Lucy who was just getting out of the tub. " KYAAA rouge get out" Lucy said blushing and covering her self with her arms , rouge blushed and backed out eyes wide and his face as red as a strawberry. Joy and fro came running towards the bath room " is momma alright" frosh asked staring at a very red rouge, "uhhhh yea she's fine" rouge replied heading back towards his room his mind abuzz. Joy knocked on the door " Lucy are you all right " joy asked opening the door " yes I'm fine just startled" Lucy said wrapping her self with a white fluffy towel and drying her hair off magically. " I open thee gate off the virgin VIRGO" Lucy said a pink haired women in a maid outfit popping out " punishment time " Virgo questioned, Lucy sweat dropped " um no but can you please cook dinner for us " . Virgo nodded and disappeared in a pink poof, Lucy sighed and put on her undergarments then white shorts and a light blue sweater her white headband pulling her waist length hair back. Rouge sat in his room reading hearing the exceeds help Lucy in the bathroom clean up he sighed and thought about what had just happened, the thought of Lucy's naked body coming back into his mind he blushed. As the girls cleaned the bathroom up they talked about what movie they should watch, the exceeds were convinced on a Disney movie. " well how about we start your movie before dinner and then we can watch the movie I picked out " Lucy said opening the bathroom door and walking towards the kitchen where Virgo was making dinner. Rouge heard the bathroom door open and stood up exiting his room and heading towards the kitchen as well, " hey Lucy I'm sorry about before" he said shyly rubbing the back of his neck. " it's okay you seemed really tired so its not your fault you didn't remember I was in the bath" Lucy said helping Virgo get the stew on the stove, while the exceeds sat in the living room watching the movie. " so rouge how come sting doesn't live here anymore " Lucy asked sitting down at the kitchen table drinking tea, " ohh him and yukino are a couple now" he said blandly. " really wow yukino didn't tell me they were a c-couple" Lucy said blushing a bit at the thought. Rouge smirked " yea well I knew you don't like all that lovey dovey crap but yea they are they are probably going to get married soon" he said smiling. Lucy blushed Even more" m-married but there still young and just no" Lucy said stuttering her face buried in her hands.(( A/n by the way Lucy is about 18 and rouge 19 I made him older cause yea))


Well yay all done with this chapter and on May 28th till may 31st I won't be updating due to a school camping trip so yea ~love always mews (≧∇≦)

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