Whats love?

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Ello minna-San how are you I'm fine, I don't own fairytail or any of its characters (( I wish I did thoe XD oh well)) we'll enjoy the new chapter ~ love always mews (≧∇≦)


As rouge waited for the water to boil he zoned in on what Lucy and fro were talking about. " hey fairy-San what is love" fro asked cutely bubbles coating her dark like green fur. " well first you can call me Lucy or Lu for short, and second we'll love is something you feel towards someone or just someone you care for very much" Lucy said smiling warmly her eyes closed. Rouge smiled softy and returned to cooking adding the noodles and the flavoring stirring and letting it sit for awhile. Lucy quickly finished washing up and got out grabbing two towels both being light pink, she lifted frosh out and handed her the smaller towel and drained the water then wrapping her self up. " lucy can you help fro get her clothes on" frosh asked struggling to zip up the pink frog suit, " sure fro" she said bending Down and zipping it up for her . " thank you Lucy" fro said flying up a bit and standing on the sink rim waiting for Lucy. Lucy quickly slipped on her undergarments and pulled a white tank top and blouse over her head then, quickly Putting on some black skinny jeans finishing the look off with a black headband pulling her hair back into a loose pony. Lucy opened the door of the bath room and walked out fro following her towards the kitchen, " is the ramen done rouge" Lucy asked politely staring at the small pot of noodles and chicken flavoring. Rouge stared at Lucy a small blush creeping onto his face he blinked " o-oh u-uh yes it's done" he said cursing under his breath as he put some noodles and broth into three bowls. After handing the bowls to Lucy and frosh he sat down and ate in silence listening to fro and Lucy talk quietly about the guild and how fun and crazy it was rouge noticed a pained expression on Lucy's face when fro asked about natsu and the team. " well there nice and loving, and always make big messes" she said smiling trying to hold back tears, as she continued eating her ramen. " so Lucy are you in love with anyone" fro asked finishing her bowl of ramen and going to sit on Lucy's lap, " w-well I .... No" Lucy said firmly looking down at her ramen taking a slow bites into it glancing up at rouge every once and awhile. Rouge stood up and grabbed the now empty bowls and put them in the sink " so Lucy what magic do use besides celestial magic" rouge asked knowing that she was lying about just using celestial magic, Lucy looked up startled " y-you can tell" she said wide eyed muttering " I thought I put limiters on guess I took them off" she said finding her feet entertaining. " I use celestial dragon slaying, heavenly body magic, light magic, and white dragon slaying" Lucy said looking up grinning a bit " I use a lot of different light magics that are celestial and heavenly" she explained. Rouges jaw dropped and fro stared in awe " fro thinks that's amazing" frosh said cutely , " thanks fro" she said cuddling the green exceed. " hey Lucy since I noticed you quit the guild want to join sabertooth " rouge said crossing his arms, smirking a bit. " really you'd think I will be able to join" Lucy said smiling standing up and stretching, " well of course besides my best friend is the guild master" rouge said as fro jumped on his shoulder. Lucy smiled and laughed" count me in" Lucy said grabbing a white cloak and putting it on covering her face and body. Rouge put on his black cloak and smiled, Lucy laughed " well then let's go get you in the guild" he said as he grabbed her hand and started walking out of the house Lucy smiling a small blush evident on her face.


Well another chapter finished yay remember I don't own fairytail or any of its characters

Hoped you enjoyed the little rolu at the end and rating might go up later for violence and swears so you have been warned ~ love always mews (≧∇≦)

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